the funniest thing is how if Hillary wins Huma will be right there and Weiner, dick photographer extraordinare and perverter of minors will have total access to the white house because of his wife.
the funniest thing is how if Hillary wins Huma will be right there and Weiner, dick photographer extraordinare and perverter of minors will have total access to the white house because of his wife.
The dog knew where the rest of Hillary’s emails are. Had to be silenced.
Maybe if one of the candidates hadn’t conspired with her party to cheat during the nomination process we could talk about democracy.
He can say he’s a goddamn cucumber weeks before the election. It makes no difference. The did not accept the results, period, it took the Supreme Court to intervene, and democrats spent the next decade whining about it. What is being suggested is that somehow doubting the results of an election is somehow undemocratic…
You mean false equivalencies like comparing everything one of the candidates do to Hitler? Or like accusing a candidate of being a puppet for not wanting to go to nuclear war toe to toes with the Ruskies?
I hope it’s a prequel were you get to run around in Dutch’s gang. Maybe that way you will actually get to rob the trains this time around.
And then challenged the results. Oh, wait, I guess it’s okay to be a raging hypocrite when you are a democrat.
The same thing Al Gore did in 2000? Or does your selective memory not go that far?
Funny. He’s not the one paying people to go start violence at other candidate’s rally. Ah, so much democracy it’s like you live in nazi germany.
Hillary 2016: Literally shitting on America.
You should have hanged half of wall-street and most of congress after they destroyed your economy. Instead, not only did the American people do nothing, they are about to elect a Wall Street mouthpiece who literally told them it was ok to lie to the public. Or you elect Trump. America is fucked either way.
Or your employer simply decides to ship all the jobs to central america
Well somebody has to make the cheap crap you buy at Walmart. I mean, you could have continued to support your local shops and maybe pay a few cents more, but who cares about that right?
So when will there a BLM protest? Same time and place as the protests over the 19 shootings in Chicago the previous weekend?
A better questions is, why given the utterly insane stuff in some of the emails, is the one getting an article?
That’s because in the USA even looking at a woman is considered sexual harassment.
being ‘of hispanic descent’ is not the same as having spent your whole damn life living in latinamerica. Doesn’t change the fact that we kiss when we meet people.
In Sweden no one is a rapist.
I love how when Romney mentioned Russia as a threat in 2012 the Democrats just laughed, but now, suddenly, Russia is like the boogieman used to excuse the, frankly, frightening levels of corruption surrounding Hillary Clinton.
Will he beat Bill Clinton’s record?