
I’m hispanic and you obviously have no idea that in latin american countries we always greet women with a kiss on the cheek, even if they are a perfect a stranger.

Good, because the bro died in Gears of War 3.

Have you ever heard of Google?

you mean the Left has nowhere else to go except into the ultra-lefty loony bin like in some parts of Europe? Where forced child marriages are now legally recognized, women can’t go out at night, and growing reactionary violence because their socialists government have surrendered all responsibility to their

Why would they invite you? They know you are already in their pocket.

Lets be honest, nobody cares about the civilians in this war. It’s been going on for 6 fucking years and there is yet to be a single serious attempt by the international community to stop it. Is there are peace plan roadmap? Nope. Has the UN done anything? Nope. Peacekeeping force? It’s all half-assed truces that are

So what happens? You’d think this shit would be on the article instead of some cryptic text and a talking dog.

Call them ‘My nigga’.

The latest trailer had a split second shot of him, so he probably IS in it.

A poor man’s Tie Fighter.

This is not going to go well.

Might as well flag them.

Viewpoint on what exactly? Rioting?

A riot has nothing to do with civil rights no matter how much certain agitators like to pretend it does. Take it from me. In central america I was learning how to make Molotov cocktails in middle school, and we would use them too.

I prefer the Clinton way.

It’s right next to where assaults rifles are mentioned?

Christ I hope not. 3.0 was terrible. It is rarely so evident that the people making a movie have no idea what they are doing. I don’t even want to imagine what 3.0+1.0(SQUARE)^10 will be like.

Hello, mister terrorist apologist. Should people also just accept that planes fly into buildings?

I’m in Panama. Many American companies cut deals with our government to they don’t pay taxes and move many of their operations here. So yeah, keep sending me your job instead of having sensible legislation, closing loopholes and generally letting your country be run by lunatics (both democrats and republicans)

Equal opportunities does not guarantee equal outcomes.