
I love how you need to go dig through semantics to excuse this. The fact is, the Obama administration and Hilary Clinton’s state department allowed a huge percentage of American’s strategic uranium assets to be controlled by a company under majority Russian influence.

They believe it so factually they have managed to provided ZERO evidence.

Oh, yes, it’s Trump inciting riots in colleges, burning down businesses and calling for violence on anyone who disagrees with him

Making shit up is not journalism.

And somehow he still managed to let Putin take half the Ukraine and Crimea, run wild in Syria, murder innocent travelers, and basically bent the knee to Russia every step of the way. Oh, but he wasn’t a Russian mole.

So you didn’t learn anything from the Hogan fiasco? I wonder how Univision will feel about you inciting people to commit felonies and/ord treason. Good luck.

what? no snarky tweets from the Barca crowd today? No emojis?

That’s a burn IN Atlanta, not FROM Atlanta though, so it doesn’t count.

It’s not. They are just buzzwords, rendered completely meaningless by people who have no idea what they are talking about but love the verbal diarrhea that comes out of their mouths.

So you think Milo should have been allowed to speak at Berkeley?

Free speech as long as you agree with is one of the fundamentals principles of the left. Look at what’s happening with that gay Out Magazine writer.

Today on ‘Isn’t it funny when it happens to them’: Lefties learn that what is good for the goose, is good for the gander.

because those people are usually communists who think people should be given something for doing nothing.

Not Eva, I hope. After 3.0 it’s clear they don’t have a clue what they are doing.

They sure turned me into a Pats fan, and I have hated them since they lost to Brett Favre in the Superbowl, and took immense joy in their losses to the Giants. I think the impact on most voters is the same. People get so fed up with your bullshit, bordering on total insane hysteria, that they end up doing exactly the

I will put 100 dollars in your paypal if you can fucking shut up about Trump already. I have hated the goddamn patriots since I was little, but the leftards had to politicize to such an extent that I was rooting for them. I fucking hate you people even more for this. Can you for one fucking second put the professional

Yeah, nobody will remember they pulled off the greatest comeback in Superbowl history. Totally. No one will remember.

Obama replaced hundreds of federal judges? Did he have respect for the rule of law?

They weren’t given automatic visas, they were given automatic refugee status, and it was a goddamn nightmare for my country because with the ending of the embargo and normalizing relation every Cuban wanted some sweet american money. That got thousands to leave the island, buying a plane ticket to Ecuador (which

Talk about a fucking drama queen. Did you get the vapors when Obama banned all Muslims from Iraq in 2011? Did you even give a fuck when he murdered thousands of Yemeni and Libyans and Syrians? No, of course you didn’t. Because Obama was your guy. He could have invaded fucking Poland and started concentration camps and