
I wonder what happened to the Tyrell army in Kings Landing. They could take the city and the goldcloaks can’t stop them.

jaime is technically her littler brother too, IIRC, and he didn’t look to happy to find mad queen Aerys III sitting on the throne.

The war was already over and won, so nothing to inflame.

Yes. She declared herself queen, but in reality she’s queen of nothing. Dorne and Reach are coming for her. The North and the Vale for Jon, and with the Freys dead the riverlord will likely rebel. And Jaime doesn’t look too pleased and I’m willing to bet the Lannister army will follow him instead of Crazy McCrazy

They wont. Stop making up things to worry about. The UK existed long before the EU and it will probably live after it from the way things look now.

Spanish unemployment is astronomical and their economy is so bad not even refugees want to go there. Maybe Spexit is next?

Ironically, for all the panic and fear mongering, Brexit might be the shot in the arm needed to save the EU. If they address the issues, if they understand that people all over Europe are FED UP with their bullshit, their money wasting, their borderline suicidal and anti-European politics as usual. But who am I

Scotland has been talking about leaving for 600 years.

Yes, because it’s not like the chaos and violence in Calais right now would make anything think immigration is bad or anything.

DQ hotdogs are amazing.

It’s a good idea, and therefore will never happen in America.

Coming to European countries near you.

Bull. It was just so they could Photoshop the aliens out. Everyone knows that.

They sound Russian or Eastern European. In that case, the probably don’t give a damn.

Lore reminder: Brienne remember’s seeing one of Dunk’s shields on her father’s hall.

They are happy enough not to do anything about it.

Because of all the ‘unaccompanied minors’ and all the 30 year olds claiming to be kids. In Sweden, the minor shelters are full of grown ass men pretending to be kids because it basically guarantees them not to be deported and they can pretty much whatever they like. They also have a huge problem with North African

Yes, it’s migration. 75 to 80% are men. it has nothing to do with increased life expectancy.

The same way Daala went from crazy war criminal to chancellor: bad writing.

You can’t. That’s the whole idea. Constantly going on about how ‘she’s a woman’ and therefore anyone who criticizes her is sexist is MEANT to isolate her from all criticism.