
Yes, it’s because she’s a woman. It has nothing to do with her being the most crooked politician since Nixon, and even him didn’t seem to dislike transparency and accountability as Hillary does.

Blizzard + Boobs = YAY!

Because D & D need to fill out some episodes even if it makes Sansa look stupid.

At grade light rail is idiotic and a waste of money.

How? Have you been to American’s universities lately? What makes you think adulthood is even a thing anymore?

Maduro, is that you? Stop fucking up your country.

You are aware that the enormous cost of the Olympics is one of the reasons Greece is literally drowning in debt, right? That the infrastructure that billions were spent on has been abandoned for quite a while? You are also presumably aware that Brasil already spent huge amounts of money for the world cup in 2014 and

Well, you know last week was okay. All F1 needs is Mercedes crashing into each other every race.

Same. Train-wreck. The BBC doesn’t seem to get that what made this show stand out all over the world was the chemistry between the hosts. On top of things, 6 or 7 (with Stig—are they still doing that or is he not PC anymore?) is way too many people for this kind of show.

Slow news day?

Yes, we Democrats are civil, rational, and have manners.

Does it tape the flashlight to the fucking guns?

The only kind of truth the Clintons like.

he was stuck his whole career playing for the Lions, so yeah.

Yes! #thecurseisreal

Sorry, but the only people to blame for the ‘backlash’ are the people whose absurdity made the idea of ‘safe spaces’ into a joke. These tend to be the same people who have no problem assaulting the safe space of others and creating chaos over some bogus narrative of feigned social outrage. The same people who call for

I always find it funny when the noble white saviors tell us lowly undeveloped savages what we should be offended by. It’s almost like they don’t realize that infantilizing minorities and implying they can’t think for themselves and that they need to be TOLD to be offended and what to be offended by is the sort of

By subtle you mean ‘practically not in them’, right?

They are just bidding their time. Soon, very soon, they will make their move.

Your face when there are no Tombs to Raid.