As the Eagles fall, Gritty rises
As the Eagles fall, Gritty rises
Nope, we don’t get to feel bad for Eagles fans now, they are the reigning Super Bowl champs. Y’all were over the top about everything after winning it all, this fall back to earth was inevitable and don’t you dare take away my satisfaction of seeing it.
Well, then, I guess I got a good deal on that voodoo curse I shelled out $150 for.
Wentz was broken for like a year. Been off the bench for five minutes and Philly fans are all like “WHY HAVEN’T WE WON THE SUPERBOWL YET? BRING ME FUCKTOMB 2!”.
Falcons fan here. We’d love to be 2-2 right now.
There’s no conspiracy, ESPN, Deadpin, and all the rest know what gets them those sweet sweet clicks.
They’re on top of the world and are in control of the whole game, but can’t stop playing the victim card and whining like pathetic losers about how much everyone is out to get them. It’s not only annoying, it’s completely counterproductive, as they’re going to wake up soon on the bottom of the world, with no one to…
“Tom knows Bill is the best coach in the league, but he’s had enough of him. If Tom could, I think he would divorce him.”
So this must be the fashion version of justifying the Alex Smith contract.
This is my favorite cross over ever. All of the hate and vitriol of WYTS, with 100% more floral prints. Perfection. *insert loud, Italian, finger kisses here
I think, between this and the annual Williams-Sonoma catalog review, we have learned that Drew needs to do more catalog reviews.
“Smart move. You can cash in those unused timeouts at the end of the season for boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts.” - Andy Reid
Hey, good on you for reading the responses and admitting you didn’t read that carefully. I can understand, especially when your kid was born at 32 weeks.
Fucking really? Best of luck to your daughter with a parent that’s this obtuse.
As always, Fuck McNabb with a Chunky Soup Can.
I think this is your masterpiece, Drew. If you don’t win a Pulitzer for this, I don’t know what will.
Chris’s email has to go down in the WYTS hall of fame!
Philadelphia slid towards Trump in 2016 by 17,000 votes.
I don’t understand why people that weren’t fans of either team would have wanted the Eagles to win the Super Bowl over the Patriots. There would have been very little difference in the insufferableness of a NE fan yelling “count the rings” when the total was six instead of five.