Pam Poovey's Bear Claw (forever gray)

Tired, I feel like I’m re-living your ordeal, and I would bet that MANY women here are too. I understand your fear and your choice to adopt a “burner.” I have too. Some privileged commenters use this against us, because they believe that their “ungrey” status elevates their opinion and confirms their own prejudices.

I keep my mouth shut for the most part (other than to offer compliments) but I am always so damn jealous. I have the naturally fine and pin-straight hair apparently so many people work toward, but what I want is TEXTURE and HUGENESS. A glorious poofy mountain of exuberant kinky coils and curls that I can dye different

First of all, the whole point of this article’s “gotcha!” own is that it’s using Pence’s own dumb “logic” against him.

Aw, I was on such a high thinking about this. Now I’m sad.

Remember Angelina Pivarnick? She completely blew her chance at fame and money by being a total bitch and leaving the house early because she thought she was better than everyone.

Yirr trawmah-tiezeen may.

The theme song for Jersey Shore is permanently ingrained in my brainhole. I bet I can remember all of their terrible taglines:

My husband has for the most part gotten me out of my extreme obsession of shitty reality TV but I’ll be goddammed if I don’t gleefully watch the shit out of this.

My wife and I like to ask each other “Are you Sammi and Ronnie done or are you done-done?”

Jersey Shore is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. It’s somehow both completely disgusting and yet weirdly heartwarming at the same time?

Especially when you are called a sociopath and a monster, selfish, lazy, irresponsible, not a real adult, not a real woman, etc, when you tell people you don’t like and don’t want children. All things I have actually called by otherwise perfectly “normal” and “nice” people.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 36 years on this planet, it’s that you should never ask anybody why they aren’t having children. Or why they are, or why they’re only having one, or why they’re having so many, or if their multiples are the result of fertility interventions, or if their kids are adopted, or why

Childless implies a loss. For those of us who never want children, trust me: we’re not sitting here agonizing over it. It’s no loss.

The Patriots-Basically-Enabled-Larry-Nassar takes can’t be that far off, can they? CAN THEY?

I can’t believe he completely glossed over the Patriots-Osama bin Laden connection.

Maybe it’s not a coincidence that the NFL team that has had the most success in this century also had to deal with the league’s greatest tragedy.

There is so much hate out there for the Patriots that people need extra places to put it.
The clicks are guaranteed.

Swap out the player’s name and criminal offense and you could write this same dumb bullshit about every team in the fuckin’ NFL.

Apparently the show’s entire marketing campaign was directed entirely to him.

Get a DVR you Luddite.