Pam Poovey's Bear Claw (forever gray)

Someone who was ACTUALLY THIS SCARED of Donald Trump would find a way in a 51/49 senate to fuck his, and by extension his enabling party’s, bizness up. That Flake is unwilling to do this in any meaningful way means that he is just grandstanding for future historians. Thanks alot buddy, but America could use your help,

Yep. Ask Denver when their defense carried that Manning corpse to a title.

I think anytime someone says, “I am not a racist” . . . they are probably a racist.

Anybody not named Brady will immediately become the WQTSWASB (worst qb to somehow win a super bowl). Jeff Hostetler only had to hear it for about 10 years until Dilfer became the WQTSWASB. Before then, it was Joe Namath.

Just to call out my original point as small sample size, there is a reason one of these four teams has been to seven straight conference championship games and the other three have never won a super bowl. It isn’t defense. It is too hard to maintain a good defense to be a real dynasty. Too many guys to pay under the

As a minor sidenote, I have a ton of respect for those Saints defenders who came back out for that final snap. Especially for the trio of Saints who apparently went back there for them. That was just a great sign of respect after such a gut-wrenching defeat.

You and I just witnessed the results of Drew selling his soul.

TL:DR — Simmons turned Magary down for a job

People ask us why we harp on Bill Simmons a lot here and the answer is because he’s the most powerful, influential sportswriter in America.

Oh, they are totally still at “the mall” (and by “mall” I mean newer-style “lifestyle” outdoor shopping centers and these re-branded not-mall buildings). I moved to the Valley and was struck by how there are roving packs of teens at every one of these establishments.

Show us on the doll where the Sports Guy hurt you.

I guess technically, Bledsoe got benched in November of that season, when he returned from the injury healthy but was not made the starter again. It’s tough to remember now, but at the time that decision was incredibly controversial and sent the Boston sports media into collective rage-gasms.

Of course Bill Simmons is going to be skeptical, but after reading the original ESPN piece even I felt it was a manufactured controversy. The juicy bits were speculative and inadequately resourced.

My question is, what’s with the false Bill Simmons outrage? He is and always has been an unapologetic homer.

He also actually looked at the salary cap implications of either keeping both QBs or cutting Brady and keeping Jimmy, something which Wickersham never addressed.

I get that you guys can’t stand Simmons (though I’ve never fully understood why it runs so deep around here), but the following doesn’t strike me as the ravings of a frothing lunatic:

Not a Pats Fan, and grew out of Simmons 10 years ago, (Like most adults in their 30's should)....But....He goes on to explain about dumping Bledsoe’s 100 million, and a bunch of moves they made. I get this is “Hatchet Simmons,” which i’m all for...but his piece isn’t terrible.

Bill’s column is terrible. But Wickersham’s piece was “meticulously reported”? How’s that?


The most asinine thing is that the Eastern Time Zone has, by a wide margin, the largest population. Until recently, it had more people in it than all the other time zones COMBINED.

I know. Jenna is a true stand out for me. Not because I think she’s going to win or interesting... no it’s because during the first episode every shot of her had he making these insane faces with crazy eyebrows and looking like a cartoon villain. Signed, a girl with very naturally arched brows herself.