Sexy Changli was RIGHT THERE
Sexy Changli was RIGHT THERE
From Title II of the Clean Air Act (emphasis mine)...
Cries in stripper Mitsubishi Mirage tears.
The right solution is to get an Isetta, shorter than what he has now so he could just swing open the front (really the front) door and step right out. Of course, how then to get into the house?
Money won’t bring the dead back but I hope the victim’s family gets everything they can in a civil suit.
I thought it was the other way around. The driver was arrested and the owner died.
I’m starting to wonder if optimizing all of our supply chains around China is no longer as good of an idea as before. They’re autocratic and have complete control over industries, not to mention there’s the whole Taiwan thing which could be hugely problematic for multiple industries just based on what TSMC produces by…
Gee. A bunch of vehicles all stolen from within what’s typically considered a secure area and no camera footage at all? Sounds like a theft-ring operating within the people employed at the airport to me...
The 6 cyclists’ attorneys have a good write-up about the accident and how they’re proceeding.
These kids always have big “do you know who my father is” energy.
my dad writes your paycheck.
Tesla needs to stop hiring indolent, bare foot, country youths to paint their cars.
I bet it’s tangential, but not a primary cause. The main cause is what makes most things go to shit in a capitalistic society - C-suite idiots chasing this quarter’s profits above every other concern. Cheaper materials used, cheaper labor sought, less attention paid not only to QC, but to the assembly process itself.…
“No.” - Wealthy people with connections
Come on now… invest money in education? Are you completely crazy? This is two birds one stone: give the corporation a tax break, so they will pad pockets with political donations, and at the same time make sure the population stays too ignorant to figure out they are the marks. Oh, and low education population = low…
They believe Israel is the key to the end-times. Christian Zionism.
Just don’t forget blinker fluid.
I’d tell the dealer to go fuck themselves with a tire iron, take my cash and go buy something with insane resale value like a Macan (which is infinitely more fun to daily drive anyway), wait 2 years until the market calms down and production ramps up, and then trade the Macan for a Bronco after Ford has worked out the…
I do not understand how car companies spend billions of dollars and man hours on research and development of their product, yet they allow the customer experience at the point of sale to be such a shit show.
Exactly, the last spot you want to be during a car crash is in the car! I drive with the windows down and unbelted. If there is a crash, I use my catlike reflexes to jump out the window to safety. If I had to undo a seatbelt, I wouldn’t make it out in time.