Emperor Palpatine

Its the masks that are starting the fights”

So, first, it’s a state job. Good benefits, possibly even a real pension.

Public seating attracts homeless people.  So that part’s obvious.

I can offer one possible explanation:

which etiquette? the legal one that the left lane is for passing? I’m confused at why there’s a desire to impede other drivers, how do you know if that driver isn’t in a hurry to get to a hospital that a relative is at on their death bed? and normally doesn’t drive aggressively how do you know? you’re probably not

This story broke due to the efforts of AL dot com reporter John Archibald. He not only dove deep into this piece, but has done outstanding follow-up reporting. Maybe link to his original work instead of the aggregated piece in The Guardian?

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

Far from it, my own mother was forced to marry her abuser when she was 15 and pregnant. Back then what happened to girls didn’t matter and they were often punished for the crimes committed against them. My father was 21 and my mother was 13 when they started “dating”. She was beaten on the day before her wedding to

Manual transmissions. There, I said it, and I’ll happily turn in my “enthusiast” card. Clutching in stop and go traffic was a literal pain in the ass that I’m perfectly happy never experiencing again.

Resistors are often used to set parameters.

I was expecting the fix to be ‘Turn off your plane, wait 10 seconds, then turn it back on again.’

I have ‘Good’ credit and this is what happened: I agreed to buy a used car and had sub 2% financing approved by my credit union. I did not have a check in hand, because that’s not how my CU does it. To leave the lot with the car I signed a loan agreement with the dealer at a 10% interest rate with no penalty if paid

I never get tired of saying it: NEVER FUCKIGN EVER trust a corporation.

Send out checks to everyone—more money supply—so there’s less value. And we get inflation—only an idiot couldn’t see that effect coming.

The craziest part of this article is the fact that KBB thinks a Spark with 100k on it is worth almost 10 thousand dollars.

That’s a start. Now it’s time to actually list some of the shit they go through.

I think she’s trying to make the point that it’s not a labor issue so severe that young adults should be convinced to do the job, when the problem could be solved with better pay.

Well Republicans tell me that arming people makes them safer and more polite, so clearly this is fake news.

You’re kinder than me. I want asshole rapists punished. Put ‘em in jail. If they’re scared that they might be raped, turnabout is fair play.

I think that their goal isn’t to sell batteries, but to get bought by another company.