I get that freezer reference.
I get that freezer reference.
This just reminds me of how much potential the ‘98 film had but shot itself in the foot by making the story about some stupid time loop and not having an actual bad guy to fight. It looked great and had a seriously great cast (William Hurt as Dr. Robinson was a serious “get” Matt LaBlanc was actually good in his role…
Excuse Me! The 1998 film wasn’t too bad. I actually just purchased a copy of it, and I only buys movies I likes. There were some poor choices in the film, and they chose to focus too much on the terrible relationship of Will and Father (Shut up, Will!), but it’s a lot better than some trash “art” movies I’ve seen like…
Nope, I don’t think so. I came here to post essentially the same comment. In my opinion, once lips are locked, that only counts as one long kiss. They counted many kisses I would regard as only one instance as several or even 5 kisses.
It seems natural for me to let my lack of drawing ability prevent me from drawing and sharing drawings with other people or expecting attention for such drawings. I’m always surprised when I find that other people don’t have that problem.
I can’t say I’m a fan of that artwork. I can see how it could work on certain comics, but everyone just looks unrecognizable here. Also, not sure if they were going for it, but Kingpin looks like Gru from Despicable Me.
Don’t care if you’re cosplaying—you don’t bring something that looks like a goddamned rifle on mass transit. Or even to a f*cking movie theater. Have we not learned these goddamned lessons yet?
I love you guys. Unabashedly.
The Flash looks ridiculous. I totally agree.
Ewwww, better dead than red.
Syfy has just announced that 12 Monkeys, the TV series inspired by Terry Gilliam’s 1995 movie of the same name, has…
I appreciate this very much. Thanks.
Another great write-up, mate. Allow me one last “fan” comment, and I promise I’ll stop...
Wait a second, everyone....
I really hope they get a shot at another one. I really enjoyed the movie and it’s been on my mind since I saw it...
How about the real reason: it won’t make money. Vanilla WoW was terrible. People only played on those free servers because it was f-r-e-e, free.
Did Lyanna Mormont steal the episode?
My wife’s immediate reaction: “So Hodor was suffering from PRE-traumatic stress syndrome? That’s messed up.”
Seriously. How I am supposed to watch Silicon Valley after that? My legs are still shaking.