
How is hottubbing not included in “Swim and beaches”? Shove your concern trolling straight up your ass. Thanks.

Looked like they had been messed on by a Flock of Seagulls I bet.

You ran so far away?

and yet they’ll blame women for not lowering themselves to their level.

I like Better Call Saul, but both played the same characters in Breaking Bad, and it’s a little weird you didn’t say Breaking Bad.

I know, I was adding something on to what you said. 

Freedom of speech is moot when death threats are included anyway 

PS4 GoW really doesn't require any knowledge of the previous games to be enjoyed. I never played them and only knew that Kratos is a Spartan who became a demi-god and then killed ask the Greek gods. I don't think my limited knowledge took away any enjoyment.

Is this what supporters of the orangutang think will deter K-Pop stans? The latter are a bunch of water-soaked mogwai that have been voluntarily fed post-midnight by trolls calling their idols a bunch of wusses. There’s no going back now. Also how low does one have to be to punch below and target children? To the

“The flag was not an instrument of hate like the Nazi symbol”
Tell that to the KKK, who explicitly flew and used it as a hate symbol.  

“What is next book burning?”
Fuck no. That’s a logical fallacy called “the slippery slope fallacy.” It’s bullshit.

Every time I see someone bitch about “virtue signaling” my immediate thought is “fuck that racist.”

Fuck off racist.

To those without virtue, any act of empathy is written off as virtue signalling

This is rehashed every time the game is brought up I know but man I really wish there was a third person option for this. I have the same issue with stealth in first person and in general, have an easier time with perception in 3rd. I absolutely love everything I’m seeing about this, and if it even hits 1/100th of the

You can’t “boost” your immune system beyond the things you would normally do to live healthily (eat healthy, exercise, get enough rest, don’t stress, etc.). Anyone telling you otherwise is selling you a pile of horseshit (or useless supplements).

Hi Feelin! A few handy links, since I dug into the science for you:

If you played the first one and liked it, I can see literally zero reasons you won’t enjoy this one.

So far, if anything, the gameplay feels smoother, and obviously the graphics are better. I have felt equally compelled by the story.

The game explores the same themes as the first and it is a distinct continuation of all the consequences and setup from the first game.  I have no idea why you would think of it as a YA novel. Perhaps you only saw the first few hours where they focus on young love, but by the 4th hour all the way up until the 20 or 30

your story seems to completely validate the premise of the article that the police are bad at deciding who and when to stop?

The players will hold the devs responsible for their losses. Fortunately, a Bannister always pays his debts.

Sure, why not