
You know what, I really wish good things for this game. For the many, MANY flaws Anthem had, it was certainly a gorgeous, evocative experience in many ways, and the core gameplay of flying and spamming abilities was really, really strong. It’s all the scaffolding that basically needs a complete overhaul.

Don’t make excuses for them. Their police. They are supposed to be professional regardless of what happened earlier that day, last week, last month or last year. The person immediately unarmed themselves and had their arms up. She was following instructions and they had her under control. At that point they had the

So I’ve been with my boyfriend since 2008, when I was 17 and he was 27 (I may not have been entirely truthful about my age when we started seeing each other).He was my first everything, boyfriend, kiss, etc. I thought we had the perfect relationship for a long time, we seemed like the couple everyone wanted to be.

I haven't had a blizzard game installed on my PC in years, and Bethesda doesn't make good games they make buggy pieces of crap that their customers fix for them. When they re released Skyrim a couple years back it had the same bugs in it version 1.0 had at launch for shit sakes.

What is going through the publishers minds? They are not losing out on money, its not like Nvidia is taking money away from them, and if anyone wants to play a game they don’t own they still have to buy it. All this is is giving people access to computers that can run the games they own better than their own

I’d probably do the same these days. I mean, it’s not like anybody’s using prime cuts of steak for beef broccoli.

Um, why does Greninja have a large erection? 

I maintained as a child that Beef Broccoli was an affront to my mouth because it wasted perfectly good beef by infecting it with broccoli flavors... or something. Being, in addition, a supreme brat, I told my mom I would only eat Beef Broccoli if the beef was cooked separately from the broccoli, which, being a saint,

I’ve played WoW for literally over 15 years now, and I can’t fathom why ANYONE is interested in “Classic” WoW. Seriously, the game was shit back then. At least half the classes had two specs that were either bad or outright did not work at all. Some specs were badly designed on purpose - paladin or druid tanks were

I mean he spent a lot of text to say the article triggered him.

Is this satire? If not, yikes. 

He’s always been liberal and somewhat political. There’s three sides to every Eminem album: the Shady side, the Eminem side, and the real Marshall Mathers side. If you only look at the surface, you might just see the jokes or the anger/violence, but underneath it all he’s a great guy communicating some very good and

This shouldn’t be a surprise. He’s always seemed pretty liberal. “Mosh” was a very explicit anti-Bush protest song/video.

Idk, he has leaned a little left for a long time, even while saying shitty things that sound like standard white guy from a flyover state.  

Was it really necessary to put the one picture with Kid Rock in it, the human equivalent of an above ground swimming pool?

Yes, for sure. Otherwise I wouldn’t do it. (I still buy store-brand black beans, lentils, nuts, etc. ... but cheese is so much better when it’s made well.)

If people want to seriously come after that guy, I don’t think he’s obligated to blur their account names. They’re probably mostly fake anyway.

This is stupid.

I mean, Jason if you’re just going to go out and say it.  Maybe one of us wanted to bitch about how much of a joke kinja and G/O media is. 

“ Bring out the stockings at the end.”