Ah, what could’ve been.
Ah, what could’ve been.
Really to me it looked like the liquid spread out from the braziers as they fell. Not that the stone was burning. Have you ever seen the way burning liquid spreads when it hits concrete or something similar? It splashes and spreads way farther than you think. Almost exactly like they showed.
I’ll just be happy when the one-note psycho writing for Ramsay is over. Hopefully it’ll be in the next couple of episodes, because I just can’t stand the Bolton part of the story. It’s so damned dull.
I love this site, Rob. It is my favorite site on the Internet and I visit almost daily.
That’s pretty damn brilliant. But I’m still partial to Brian Williams/Rappers Delight.
I’m kind of conflicted about seeing this. Ratchet & Clank is one of my favorite gaming franchises, although I haven’t been able to get into the latest two games at all. They fantastic fun, but I don’t think they need a movie.
I’ve long criticized the show for not being propulsive
If only we were allowed to have an older person as the lead in a movie. But, y’know, since that’s impossible (I mean, who would want to root for a granny to kick ass? That’s not cool to watch!) you’re right: She’s just too old for an Alien movie.
I wonder what the reasons behind it is. I mean not enough to do even 5 minutes of research on google, but still I wonder.
“It takes 3 ingredients to make a cocktail, 2 is an emergency” *Peggy, Mad Men
I can’t figure out the character criticism. This is of course anecdotal, but my friends and I actually like that the characters are kind of norms compared to The Walking Dead where the characters are ALL CAPS COMIC BOOK CHARACTERS. Like in the real world, why would Jesus run around in a leather trench coat, gloves and…
There. Fixed it for you.
Stop. Linking. Videos.
Because I don’t have the space to park them? I don’t have the money to buy them? I don’t have the desire to maintain them? Because I don’t want to be driving home from work, realize I need to pick something up and have to go home for a different vehicle?
Disagree. This whole arc with Carol is stupid. I understand her not wanting to wantonly kill people anymore, but more than anyone, perhaps, she knows what this world is. She tried to tell that dumb little boy. And now she thinks she can just traipse around and cry her way out of situations? Look, you don’t have to…
The answer to your questions are:
I think it’s funny that people’s main reason for not liking the new film is that it’s too much like the original. Wait you didn’t love the original then? I love both very much. I think people just can’t enjoy life or things anymore.
and, worth watching:
Ooh glad Pin is played by a black actress. Steampunk has unfortunate tendency to go very white.