I don't know if anybody has already mentioned it, but will there be opportunities to label your stuff as "Mature"? Because, I'd be interested in making "artistic" stuff, like, really, artistic. But, would it just count as porn?
I don't know if anybody has already mentioned it, but will there be opportunities to label your stuff as "Mature"? Because, I'd be interested in making "artistic" stuff, like, really, artistic. But, would it just count as porn?
PS: I Don't think Fahey is really a creep. It was just an example.
The scary part is you realize that Licking the Gun had to be an issue for them to bring it up in the first place.
@TheIrishNinja: I justify the price in my head by realizing that I would gladly pay $30 for this if it was a box retail.
It's not adult humor. It's immature humor. But, it's hilarious and intelligent, despite being immature. It's genius. Especially Tycho's writing. Even more than the comics.
@freakout: @NerD!!!: Wow. You are both so wrong. It's because it's evolutionarily beneficial. NOTE: ALL OF THIS IS THEORETICAL EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY DISREGARD AS YOU WILL: Prior to marriage, their goal is to have a child. For that reason, they become more aroused and interested in sex. Afterwards, their goals are…
@Pezdispenser: You do realize Kotaku has been bitter ever since they lost the Bloggies to ICHC, right?
Whhee! I forgot the PA game comes out this week. Definitely picking that one up.
I am ashamed by all the people so stupid they couldn't figure out that the list was sarcastic.
whoa! This game is awesome. Seriously. loving it. Though I'm never marrying stupid Jill
I'm going with silentbob's theory.
@deft0k: After seeing that clip, I remebered just how absurd the concept of KaoKen and Super-Saiyan are.
Uhh...okay. That was bizarre...to say the least.
Whee! Pixeljunk looks like it's becoming the top game series on PsN.
@TheRedBayonet: Hate? Who said anything about hate? I don't hate him for that.
I was going to say that the singing at the intro was kind of cheesy and pointless, then I remembered that it's called "Siren", and it made sense.
Well, I feel the only thing we can say is "sell-out".
Heh. Imagine some crap company winning every single "Best of E3" award because every single goddamn developer and publisher in the world has dropped out at this point.
See, this is exactly why Fahey isn't allowed to have coffee.