Wow. It's nice to see all these funny and original people saying "Hey Uwe, your movies suck! Lol. I am so funny!"
Wow. It's nice to see all these funny and original people saying "Hey Uwe, your movies suck! Lol. I am so funny!"
Eeww! We want Phil back, we want Phil Back!
Okay, to analyze this in more depth, it appears the PsP chunk shrunk, the Wii chunk grew, the Ps3 chunk grew, the Ds chunk shrunk, and the Xbox 360 blew chunks.
@Palladium: BTW, not sarcastic. Really.
@Luke Plunkett: That's excellent Luke. Nice to see you taking the piss out of an unfortunate situation.
Yeah, not really understanding the part about Ultimate Thor.
What the...?
Well, the solid previews don't mean much at this point. It's consistent quality that matters.
@okenny :): Bah. Thanks a lot. I know that. I was trying to drum up intelligent discussion about the logistics of reviewers, and how numerical scores are idiotic.
That's pretty funny when you notice that the Ps3 version of GTA IV got a higher score than the 360 version...
You forgot to mention the temporary price cut on the grateful dead song, though I'm not sure that's an "update" per-se.
You know, I'm actually disappointed.
So, to stay true to the realism, they had one or two guys get stuck on a wall and shout "STALKER GET OUT!" over and over, right?
There are already a ton of comments, as is the nature of this sort of thing, but I might as well throw my two cents into the mess:
Actually, it's more like 95.6% of the world's population.
Sigh. Soul Calibur has sold out to the DoA fanbase.
Cue "But will the console last 7 years without RRODing jokes"....
@andaman: Yeah, free to download.
I hope it's not the same game as Monster Hunter.
The scary part is this demon has more character and personality than the entire Ninja Gaiden game.