

Charlie Day will appear in Pacific Rim as a specialist in bird law.

The book reaches the last page and then runs out of text.

Full disclosure: I posted a version of this comment on Aint It Cool. But you folks are a better crew for this kind of thing.

"Shouldn't this have been Edward's conflict throughout the novels?"


Alreadyoffthecliffand -

No thanks. There's CW shows for models.

1st movie: No popped collars.

This looks like it comes from an early scene in the movie - Spiderman taking on a small-time criminal (maybe someone that's been an ass to Peter Parker at some point), acting a shade too violent, clearly too pleased with his own talents, and just getting the hang of the whole swinging-around-on-webs thing.

"Scott and writers Spaihts/Lindelof have created an elaborate gameboard, and then devised a narrative that shows us only a small portion of it."

That's a pretty ideal parent you're describing there.

I'm hoping the aliens turn out to be British. That would put the cap on the historical references. And then we could get one of those tall bipedal creatures talking with Eddie Izzard's voice.

The children's drawings, you mean? I liked that bit.

Cornish and the studio had better do justice to Snow Crash. But then I'm sure we can make them see Reason.

I went with that up to a point. But then there was that scene [SPOILER TIME] where Shaw is trying to hijack the central nervous system of an alien corpse and my suspension of disbelief just snapped.

After seeing the movie, I'm seriously starting to think that Michael Fassbender's character was an android.

I wondered how she knew how to operate a machine when only twelve of them were produced. I don't care how easy to operate the device is.

My question is, how the hell does an archaeologist know how to sequence DNA?