@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: The silencer in No Country For Old Men created an incredibly bizarre sound. It sounded like someone punching a cantaloupe at Mach 2.
@Garrison Dean: R.O.A.C.H.: The silencer in No Country For Old Men created an incredibly bizarre sound. It sounded like someone punching a cantaloupe at Mach 2.
@Roklimber: According to good old Wikipedia, the speed of sound through air under "standard conditions" is 343 metres/second, while the speed of a .22 calibre bullet is 320 metres/second. That's not to say that some firearms can't break the sound barrier, though.
Instead of Timothy Dalton, what about Dalton from Road House? I'm sure our modern effects wizards could animate a convincing 1989-era Patrick Swayze. If not, they could just have one of those stand-up cardboard cutouts of Swayze.
@Groo8: If only sexuality were that easy to map.
Brian DePalma directing The Maxx? Somehow that works.
The title of this article sounds like a line from a really twisted Gerard Manley Hopkins poem.
It's not Aklhsdq. It's Fhqwhgads. I asked my friend Joe, I asked my friend Jake. They said it was Fhqwhgads.
That's formal pudding wear.
I'm surprised that anyone thought it would make good box office in the first place. I'm thrilled that Universal took a chance, but how do you market something as odd as Scott Pilgrim to a wide moviegoing audience?
@BoxOfScraps: The fallacy you're thinking of is 'excluding the middle,' in which a variety of options are discarded in favour of the extreme. A straw man argument involves substituting something else for the real substance of the argument.
@Dominic Arenas: That panel made me glad that there were no actual sex scenes in the books.
If there's an episode where everyone is trapped in the Warehouse and Claudia screams "Get out get out GET OUT" at any point then I'm done.
@Darth Meow 504: Brawndo has what snakes crave.
@xdeathknightx: So the gods could play a round of Beach Blanket Bingo. Except it would be more like Mighty God-Cape Bingo.
@elvisml2: That would make more sense.
@Charlie Jane Anders: I'm just going to assume that the movie ends with a really refreshed python.
@Pinkhamster: Exactly: whatever. I'm willing to bet the last season of Lost was just Lindelof and Cuse discovering that undeserved viewer loyalty was the base ingredient in the formula for immortality, so they milked as much of it out of us as possible.
@Tracy Ham and Eggs: I know what you mean. Between DVD extras, webisodes, prequel comics and whatever else they come up with, it feels like genre movies and television are leaking or dissolving into other media.
I wonder if Thor and Odin wear their capes all the time. Like say, when they go swimming down at the Asgard Leisure Center. Do they have special bathing suits with capes? Or do the capes kind of clip on? I'm sleep deprived and I have so many questions that need answering.
I kept reading the title as Megapython vs. Gatorade, which made no sense. Can a giant python crush all those electrolytes? Will Gatorade quench that snake? You see my problem here.