Paleo Speedwagon

yes I did have reconstructive surgery, with implants. It is quite different from Breast augmentation surgery as I have no natural Breast tissue surrounding my implant, since it was removed during the mastectomy. As there is no Breast tissue, the implant was placed under my pectoral muscle. Some women have to have

Good on you. You have to do what's right for YOU and no one else. Good health to you.

I have the BRCA1 mutation too and I have had the surgeries. While yes it's true that removing breasts and ovaries does not completely remove the risk, it lowers it considerably. While yes, technically I can still get Breast cancer because there is a small amount of Breast tissue left, the chance of me developing

lil table nap

"I'd be an idiot to do that at a WORK EVENT"

deleted it and messenger this morning. still glowing

I actually ran an experiment with my personal trainer regarding alcohol. When I first started training with her, she told me to cut out alcohol, and I told her to find another way, because cutting out alcohol completely was not going to be a viable long-term option for me. So we compromised and I cut fat intake in my

Some of us need to drink to make being around people like you tolerable.

....bless you. And thank you.

Hahah, my neighbor's dog just entirely lost her shit. I guess I should have checked the volume before hitting play.

Yeah, same reaction.

Perhaps a track composed of cat food cans opening would have more appeal?


Good plan. Zombies can't get in without a card.

WALKING DEAD SPOILERS (after season 2 or 3)

My strategy remains the same.
1. Eat all of the chocolate remaining in my apartment.
2. Kill self.

So, they basically just outlined the plot of Stephen King's The Stand. #m-o-o-nspellszombieoutbreak