
Oh no!

Yes, definitely. They had some more Dorne fuckery in the first episode but they haven’t touched that storyline since. Thankfully. It’s been a really really good season besides that one stumble.

Dany stomped a mudhole in the Masters the likes of which has never been stomped. That was awesome. After two seasons of doing nothing, I’m super happy to see her reclaiming her badass credentials.

Cold weather means lots of heavy coats and furs. We’ve never seen her whitout a cloak or coat on. Every shot in this episode was of her from the breast up. The scene as she walks away was unusually tight on her face. She could be hiding the pregnancy. Only time will tell.

Can we give the director Miguel Sapochnik more props this time around? The first time I watched The Gift I saw a noticeable polish in the direction and camerawork when compared with the average GoT episode. And when Hardhome came out, I had to go and look up the director. Now having watched BoB, I hope they have him

I’ve been reading a lot of comments wondering why Sansa didn’t tell Jon about the Knights of the Vale coming (assuming she knew for a fact they were). I think there were several potential problems with telling Jon. For one thing Jon hates Littlefinger, and probably would tell her to send the army away again. Even if

Well, she’s going to have to sleep with Little Finger to keep Winterfell. So, she has that going for her. Ugh,that poor woman.

Moon tea. Fuck that little embryonic shit.

Agreed on Sansa and the troops. She would not have knowingly held them back. After the lashing she gave Little Finger I suspect she wasn’t certain they would come hence not mentioning them earlier.

I was wondering what kind of comeuppance Ramsay could get that would be satisfying to me... that’ll do, Sansa, that’ll do.

Man! HBO is just knocking it out of the park tonight! First GOT and now this...

I don’t think Sansa knew they were coming for sure. She had told Littlefinger to get bent, so she might not have wanted to give Jon false hope only to have it end in disaster when the backup never arrived.

A Feed your pets on time!!!!

I feel it’s one of the most realistic battle seen in fantasy. LOTR, with more budget, doesn’t give the sense of hopelessness. Jon getting trumped, the crush, the blood, the mud. That was glorious. Nearly as cool as the Night KIng vs the free folks.

That was epic. The battlefield scenes outside Winterfell were the best I have ever seen on television, and it might just be the awe of the moment, but I can’t remember a film that did any better either.

*waves* Cop here! In most states, you can’t remove the children unless you have a court order or exigent circumstances exist to take them into protective custody. (Unfortunately, a black eye or other visible injury is NOT enough to remove a child without a court order. However, these injuries may aid in the case for

I completely understand the desire to not want to get involved or make a judgement call on people you don’t really know at all, but having grown up and lived in a fucking abusive home, I sometimes wish the neighbors had been more aggressive about calling the police or CPS on my parents. They aren’t monsters, but they

I fail to see how the Amish church ‘allowed it to happen’ when the family, by their own account, ceased to be members in 2003 and their daughter was given to Kaplan in 2012. I would also point out that arranged marriages and the marriage of underage girls to older men are not Amish traditions. Amish women typically

12 daughters and no sons? Are the boys being left out in the forest as a sacrifice or what?