*waves* Cop here! In most states, you can’t remove the children unless you have a court order or exigent circumstances exist to take them into protective custody. (Unfortunately, a black eye or other visible injury is NOT enough to remove a child without a court order. However, these injuries may aid in the case for…
I completely understand the desire to not want to get involved or make a judgement call on people you don’t really know at all, but having grown up and lived in a fucking abusive home, I sometimes wish the neighbors had been more aggressive about calling the police or CPS on my parents. They aren’t monsters, but they…
Children are treated like possessions. Read a comments section where people get to brag about how they discipline their kids. You have to royally fuck up or get the system involved in a way they actually give a shit before it triggers action in an underfunded, overtaxed system.
I fail to see how the Amish church ‘allowed it to happen’ when the family, by their own account, ceased to be members in 2003 and their daughter was given to Kaplan in 2012. I would also point out that arranged marriages and the marriage of underage girls to older men are not Amish traditions. Amish women typically…
Call child protective services? What you’ve witnessed is more than reason to do so. In some places abusing and animal in front of a child can be prosecuted as child abuse.
12 daughters and no sons? Are the boys being left out in the forest as a sacrifice or what?
Someone posted this on GT yesterday, and I’m still reeling.
Exactly. And I hope they get a doctor to testify to that.
A rope being released from tension doing this? On her neck? I don’t fucking think so.
Dallas is a slow start, I will be honest about that. But I think that mostly has to do with not knowing anything about them, you know? We’re comfortable with NY and OC and BH because we’ve watched them for years; character development and all that. But I’m actually looking forward to the next season of Dallas now.…
With room for a rollercoaster.
Hopefully this means something (I speak as someone who has played FFXI since launch day 2003 and still has a subscription running just to tinker around every once in a while):
I love when she invited herself on the trip! “I’d love to go.” Ha ha ha
It’s cute that Bethenny thought she was getting off scot free after her meltdown. LOL The Countess plays a whole other game.
I don’t get women who start families with men who want nothing to do with their kids until they’re 10. That was a serious deal-breaker for me. The thought of ending up with someone like my stepbrother who has three kids and has changed exactly zero diapers haunted my nightmares and is probably the reason it took me so…
I really liked Jules and Michael was such an assbag. When I read the news he cheated I wasn’t the least bit surprised. You could tell something was off with him as far as being a devoted family man.
The thing about coming home from the hospital to find her daughter’s diapers unchanged was so hideous. Good on her for not dragging it out so that we had to hate-watch a piece of shit (a la the Taekmans) for multiple seasons.
I mean.... Lou. Come on. Ramona drops this bomb and she whispers “which ex? Is it Carol?”