
How did you find India after Gandhi? I'm about a third of the way through currently.

Having grown up as a middle class kid in India I can vouch for the popularity of these comics here, although that might be waning in recent years. As for why they were popular, I doubt it has anything to do with fantasizing about Archie's 'rich' life or about being a glimpse into America (does anyone there even live

Hmmm maybe. I do like that there is room for interpretation and either way it was a beautifully filmed sequence.

I just don't see the whole Jessa pining for Adam for a major part of Hannah's relationship with him thing at all and constructing an image of him from Hannah's description of Adam as mentioned in the review. My read on the situation was that the intimacy and friendship that developed during Jessa and Adam's AA visits

That's true. I guess it was just too..straightforward? And isn't a gun a whole lot different from getting a car no? Anyway, I don't know why I'm questioning this show's internal logic, it was deliciously campy and fun to binge watch and that's all it needs to be!

I honestly thought the whole assasination attempt was some new Machiavellian scheme and kept expecting Meechum to turn up somewhere alive. Imagine my confusion when it turned out Frank actually got shot by Lucas Goodwin. What?

As Archmage pointed out, most Indians can understand atleast a couple of other Indian languages and most Malayalis are fluent or can atleast understand the gist of what a person speaking Tamil is saying and vice versa. And if you know either script you can even read a couple of characters of the other language.

So for me, it's been a little inconsistent. Lolita was the first Nabokov I read and I was completely blown away by it and how splendid his writing can be. Next was Laughter in the Dark which was also absolutely amazing and well..dark in the most delicious way possible. But then I hit a roadblock with The Real Life of

So glad to hear about King, Queen, Knave. I have it lined up to read next as soon as I finish the books I'm reading at the moment and I desperately didn't want it to disappoint because I started reading The Gift a few months back and was just not able to get into it for some reason. Maybe I should revisit it again

I actually didn't even consider that. I guess it's a testament to how divorced the legal and political storylines of this season are in my head with Canning, Diane, Cary, Jason and Lucca in one corner and Eli and Margo Martindale's character scheming in the other.

'Every woman scares.' Best line delivery this season.
I didn't get why Jason investigating Alicia is supposed to be this big thing other than bringing some extra unnecessary drama in the whole Jason-Alicia relationship. I mean she has had some nebulous (to third parties) facets of her life in the last few years like

Upvoted for 'Jason is the new Kalinda'. That is so hilariously true now that I think about it.

Agreed about 1q84. I suppose the longer his novels, the more space he has to infuse some sense of logic to the proceedings, but I find his short stories and shorter stuff to be less so. At any event there is a spectrum of absurdity in his books and Library definitely lies on the more absurd end. If Strange Library was

Woah, good luck!

Yeah, but that's pretty much my reaction to most of his stuff albeit in a good way. Like the end of 'Sleep' for example.

What's a good entry level book into Bolaño? I'm a little intimidated by 2666, but it sounds like it'd be right up my alley and I want to try something before launching into it.

Read a lot!
The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami- Finally got my hands on a copy and I absolutely loved it! It's such a well designed, beautifully illustrated book ( I have the UK edition). Story-wise it's pretty standard Murakami in all its depressing, sheep man, beautiful damaged girl glory and I might not have

Decent-ish pop culture weekend given the festival season and accompanying relatives and such.

I actually completely forgot about that incident with Zach. That is true though. Oh well, at least it was vaguely fun! Yeah, the Diane Alicia mentor thing struck me as odd too especially since (and I could remembering this wrong) wasn't Diane a little hostile with Alicia when she started out at Lockhart Gardner?

Howard and Jackie dating is an inspired idea! At any event, it looks like Howard's storyline (which was surprisingly more fun than I expected if only to see the looks of disbelief on Diane and David Lee's faces) has served its purpose in setting up the next Alicia v. Lockhart etc. showdown, just when I was getting