
Another middling to fun episode. I just hope it goes up from here, not down.
- I could not keep a straight face when Eli was apologizing to Peter! I'm really glad they added this whole Eli going rogue dimension to the campaign storyline which, if you subtract the Eli scenes would've been another snore.
-Is Ruth really

Decent pop culture weekend. I'm getting out of a long period of bed rest after an accident so making an effort to go outside more than sitting at home!

That was my initial reaction too, him being David Lee and all. He just looked so flabbergasted though when Luca made the argument in court.
I just hope whatever it is, Cary gets something substantial to do, assuming this is the last season and all. At least when Kalinda was there, they could fill the void in his

Fun episode, if not great. The bond court storyline was probably the most enjoyable if only to see Alicia completely taken aback by that judge's vendetta. I'd just about given up the 'Peter runs for another campaign' bit, but the idea of Eli scheming and conspiring against Margo Martindale is just too great to not

Watched Spring and I have to say I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this charming hybrid. I've been reading reviews and the one persistent complaint that everyone seems to have with it is that the horror element detracts from the general Before Sunrise-ish tone of the film. I found I didn't mind the big reveal so

I loved Season 1 of Orphan Black, but was very underwhelmed by the first couple of episodes of Season 2 and haven't gone back since. Does it get better later on?

Haha yeah, that much I've definitely gathered in the last two years! That last scene alone elevated that film to a different level!

Ooh, thanks! Will check out Irma Vep now.

I know, right! He should be celebrated more. I am now trying to figure out which one of his books to read next.

Agreed. But I guess that kind of season could only ever have happened to a low profile show (relatively, to those who haven't seen the web series) in it's first season. But I'm glad it's maturing well!

I can imagine! That ending alone, phew.

Absolutely. No doubt about it. I guess it's also because I've obsessively been watching his films for the last decade, even stuff like Death to Smoochy

So I've been a lurker for the last two years, waiting for the right moment to put up a post. Here goes:
1. Clouds of Sils Maria: It is firmly my belief that Juliette Binoche is god. That said, I have to admit I was curious to see what made France shove a Cesar on to Kristen Stewart. I was definitely pleasantly