Thanks for not disappointing me, jezzies.
Thanks for not disappointing me, jezzies.
Any consideration for the view point that it is unhealthy to the individual to generate a lifelong perception that “feeding me is the government’s job”?
The headline totally misses the point that Apple was trying to make, she was trying to encourage people to find their true selves. Declaring the world BS was secondary to this point.
Ironic that Jezebel posts this speech without realizing how squarely it targets them.
When do get to vote to remove cosplay coverage from kotaku?
Just for kicks, I’ll pop into the Sunday Comics on Kotaku occasionally to see what’s posted. My almost universal experience is that the comics are well-drawn but insipid. They seem to exist because people joke to see familiar characters represented and that’s about it.
Hey Chloe, your gratuitous use of the the term “shitposting” isn’t doing you any favors. I realize that being a part of kotaku is in many ways a race to the bottom but perhaps you could try and class the joint up a bit?
Don’t trust any single source of media, Jezebel, in particular has an ax to grind and is frequently “reporting” counter to any facts whatsoever. This is a blog, these are not journalists. They are here to sell ad space and that’s about it.
Literal nobody cares about this distinction.
Pretty sure if this continues there will be plenty of beatings happening on all sides.
My question is is the first letter real or a clever way to advertise OMGyes?
Chairman Mao agrees!
Your laundry list of “-ists” and “-isms” covers some of the issues we face as a society, however, remains conviently blind to the fact that literally all people and cultures are capable of tremendous hate and destruction. Perhaps you are just ignorant of the fact that the history of humanity is written in blood across…
I’m pretty sure it’s time to rebrand kotaku and it’s subs to the dream daddy blog.
I made a similar observation when this article was posted and my post was deleted. I can only assume that it has to do with kotaku’s utter fascination with all things queer or the nepotism hinted at in the disclosure:
Pretty sure 3 articles is enough on this game.
Yes, Jezebel frequently has the wrong side of things.
Would you say his “straight edge Muslim/Jewish/Hindu schtick” were “lame as hell” if those was his persona? Perhaps you would. Either way it’s pretty disgusting.
“The Greys”, aka those who dare to have a different opinion. :/
And somehow this comment is much better? lol! Your hateful attitude is no better than his.