
When will grow up enough to write a real headline? You are a disservice to games journalism. Grow up and knock off the “I’m your bro” style. Maybe there’s some talent underneath all that affectation. I hope we find out some day!

I’m pretty sure kotaku pits their less talented writers on the cosplay beat because this crap requires no talent to “report”on and has become beyond tiresome to see. Hopefully Luke gets promoted to kardashian coverage soon, he’s been stuck here for so long. Don’t worry Luke, you can put up lots of kardashian pics too

Dear kotaku, your writing is abysmal, you are beyond hopeless. No one gives two f***s about this asinine crap. Your social agenda is beyond tiresome. Grow up. Learn to write. If you want to be taken as “journalists”, start behaving as one. And a preemptive “screw you” to all your SJW minions like “laserface” who is

I was having a difficult day until I spent my lunch watching the finals posted in this article. What a great match! Congrats to Toffee, you’ve made a fan here!

Berkeley had ANTIFA anarchists cause violence too, or did you forget that part?

“NO COOL PEOPLE” ....... that’s the standard? Where the cool people are? You amaze me.

The people in this thread advocating a race / class / political war are just as psychopathic as those they decry. Your judgement is blinded by ideallogical zealotry and hearts are hardened with hate. We are indeed doomed if we continue down this course. God help us.

Clothes and electronics are “lifestyle deals”? ***rolls eyes***

Clothes and electronics are “lifestyle deals”? ***rolls eyes***

And this is a much better sentiment than I won’t make you a cake? Amazing.

Agreeed, Kirk is really pulling out his best sanctimonious tone on this one. Would be nice if kotaku could restrain themselves from social commentary and focus on games.

Do your best to keep your underwear out of public view. I’ve worked for 10 years in an office of mostly women and have never spotted a stray stamp (or boxer or the men), not that I’m looking for it. Not that hard to accomplish apparently.

As a multi-year attendee of E3, these are the best pieces of advice I can give any first-year attendee.

Why are you so consistently afraid of dissenting opinion? Who dubbed you chat monitor? Feel free to dismiss my comment. Doing so proves my point only if you and I are the only two who realize it. Your behavior is not virtuous, it is cowardly and bullying.

Thanks for catching my typo, smarmy pedant!

I call them as I see them and kotaku is obsessed with incorporating a victim narrative into as many articles as possible - in this case, having cancer wasn’t bad enough. You people are mentally ill.

“In exchange for all of that work, Sheever has become a pillar within the Dota 2 community, a scene where women are severely underrepresented.”

Fan ‘shipping of incestous, gay relationships is what passes for games journalism now, huh? Oh how I pine for the days when a 300 page EGM would be delivered to my house every month....

Kotaku’s fixation on queer gaming is obsessive and tiresome for the reader. An occasional article is fine, but this all queer all the time approach is a constant SJW drumbeat. It’s poor games journalism, if indeed journalism is what you are attempting here.

I’m willing to wait to see what community consensus is if the title isn’t an insta-buy. Ive finally determined that FOMO isn’t going to drive my consumerism in games. Too many disappointments already.

Sigh, yet another article about **insert identity group name here** being oppressed by men from playing teh games. Is there anything other than social justice which interests kotaku writers? I’m all for a equitable world, doesn’t mean I want to read about bad white men in every 3rd article written ostensibly about