
PaintyFilms watches TWIN PEAKS for the first time

About a Boy and Growing Up Fisher look almost indistinguishable from one another. "A dumb little kid hangs out with his dumb dad. In one show the dad is blind, and in the other one there's a lady with a British accent. But they're probably pretty much the same show"

Just wait until the trees explode!

I feel like that would be part of the problem. He's probably one of the richest people in that country right now, and it all happened within about a week's time. Sure the game is free, but the money from ads has to be astronomical.

I've only heard bits and pieces about this game (and the guy) but isn't he from Vietnam?

Olympics ceremony thoughts:

$2.49? Good for you.

Yes. Though I haven't finished it and probably never will (BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE)

The reason I bought it is because it's one of the most difficult games of all time. It's technically an "action role playing game" if you ask Wikipedia


I'm usually not drawn to RPGs unless they're getting tons of praise (like Dark Souls). FWIW Monster Hunter 3 has great reviews. I've never played it, but I hope it's fun.


He's gay?

"schedule" is a really long word.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me. I feel like the reason is mostly due to R&M being animated and on later at night on a cable station. Community's live single cam stuff just doesn't translate some of the style of humor sometimes. We often get huge highs and meh-they-tried moments as a result.

abs-olutely terrible.

"don't kick off until 8:30"

What are the odds that we see another UPN or WB type of situation where one of the big networks falls? I'd imagine it would be ABC, but NBC is making a run for it as well.

Well this is an interesting turn of events…

All tampons are the longest tampons of all time if you're a guy.