
OK I definitely don't like this.

Just now watching the new Great Gatsby (movie day subbing). 5 minutes in and this is a spectacularly confusing experience. I'm not sure if it works or not, but man does it move fast.

I premiered a high school play as director yesterday and it went much better than expected. Its my first time even being involved in a theater production, so I'm pretty happy people seem to like it.

I like TS1 and Community S1 best…

I actually liked most of that show, but it was hilarious how uncomfortably close to each other's faces everyone got.

So Rainn Wilson is *House* who solves crimes? It's Lie to Me without the whole "I can read your face" schtick?

Guys I'm sitting in the middle of severe tornado warning area an hour from home and I'm freaking out. I'm at the school I work at and I just hope my kids got home from rehearsal okay.

Note to self, you can't do everything yourself.

Honestly I'm more upset about no movie. It just seemed like it had more potential for quality than a half season of "almosts"

I'm really tempted to just make something and send it in for the hell of it.

Is NBC still doing that "make your own comedy" contest?


Maybe it's just because I'm a Browns fan, but I'm pretty happy with the picks (& interesting trades).


Was this show any good? The trailers made it look interesting, but I never actually watched it.

I'm always excited whenever I only recognize one of your posts from an obscure drum corps or marching band arrangement.

Even if NBC cancels it I feel like someone else (Netflix) is gonna pick it up. Too much potential with the movie

Movie I loved as a kid that I forgot about:

OK. I'm subbing for a health teacher today and one of her classes is seriously called "Cinematic Health". They just watch movies tangentially related to …healthyness. For the entire semester. Today we watched Invincible starring Mark Wahlberg. He plays for the Eagles and makes out with Elizabeth Banks.

"When you really know who you are and what you like about yourself, changing for other people isn't such a big deal." - Abed