
This is actually my first time directing something… I didn't know I was supposed to post them up high! Maybe I should just give up now.

Today I posted the final casting results from auditions for the HS play I'm directing, which means now most of the kids hate me for screwing up the casting results from auditions for the HS play I'm directing.

You had me at Clone High.

PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time

Honestly I'm not really hyped for it. The trailers all seemed really corny to me. Though, I also thought Wreck it Ralph was going to be kinda corny and too reliant on its references, and look how awesome that turned out.

Thanks to my theory profs I will forever refer to him as "Shosty". I honestly don't listen to classical music that much; most of my knowledge of rep actually comes from drum corps arrangements like this 1996 performance by Phantom Regiment. That show didn't offer too much visually, but musically holy cow.

I get it. Cause she's a squirter.

I feel like the music industry's equivalent is when Weird Al makes a parody of one of your songs. Only, you know, that's awesome and not creepy.

I don't know if it matters, but I honestly don't post anywhere but the Community reviews. As in, I don't even go to the rest of AV Club and participate at all. The CZ has always felt completely separate from the rest of the reviews.

The Ohio one is great. Everyone knows Ohio is important, bu no one really fathoms why.

It really wasn't very clear. If you weren't already aware of the Ansible's powers going into the movie I'd bet you would be extremely confused. They just kinda introduced it without explaining what its powers were.

I can empathize with that.

PaintyFilms watches Ender's Game: In 3 Acts

Just stay above 0.9…

If they just continually hid tickers about "Levar Burton and non-celebrity friend" throughout the rest of the series I'd be okay with that.

Maybe the point is that Abed needs to try and fix his own problems? Especially since Troy is gone now. Maybe Britta was just playing the role of a typical "real world" villain for Abed, and the point is that he is going to get hurt by people from time to time. In this case he found the courage to connect with someone

I actually really like how Britta keeps pushing Abed, even if it ends up hurting him a little bit. Britta, for once, is trying out her psych stuff and being pretty strong and successful about it. It's not until after-the-fact that the anxious "what did I do!" feelings come out. Back in Season 3 she was pretty gung-ho

Odd thing to like, but we've gotten some great subtitle gags this season. First the "thoughts are in French" bit, and now the recent ASL bits. The font and color they choose is great; it reminds me of Arrested Development. It's also very reminiscent of Season 1 and the Spanish translations.

…wait. He's coming back?!