
PaintyFilms watches Twin Peaks for the first time (I try not to spoil things in these reviews. The show is just too amazing to spoil.)

Honestly I just didn't want to see another SEC team win, so that was a lot of fun.

I always assumed he/she drifted in and out.

I think you mean Gorbachev and Palate.

Watched "Almost Human" instead of the first half hour of the BCS game. Having never seen a full episode, it was surprisingly good.

So apparently Michael Bay didn't have a good time at his CES presentation.

I actually like the premise, but the departure of Daniels doesn't bode well…

Just finished Wind Waker HD. Aryll and Outset Island have one of the best little themes I've ever heard and I can't get it out of my head. Also the game was a lot of fun. Maybe a bit too easy in terms of combat, but I definitely felt like it was a nice first step into the world of Zelda.

I don't know that it's a placeholder, I think it's simply that Troy is incredibly dependent on Abed for nearly everything and can't think for himself sometimes. It was set up as a joke, but I think it was serious.

Speaking of Hulu…

Aww I forgot about Badger. He had a great line in the third episode too. "That guy was your dad?"

I think they've only mentioned Breaking Bad once in the entire run of the series. (Troy in Season 3 early episode "I need to catch up on Breaking Bad… so"). It seems possible, but unlikely.

Season 1 Troy was a lot more likely to do this than later seasons Troy.

I feel like both the site and disqus redesign has a lot to do with this. I just don't pay attention to any articles not labeled "Community" on this site anymore. The lack of grading takes away a lot of incentive I had from participating in the community, and the lack of notifications keeps me out of the loop. I wasn't

Pudi's Nic Cage freakout is getting such odd love/hate reactions and I love it. Meta meta.

So did anyone in here dislike either of the episodes?

Someone commented earlier that trash can tipping might be a campus wide signal for "riot".

I guess the good news is that Community didn't seem to lose too many viewers to the absolutely HUGE football game that was on yesterday. OU vs. Bama started at 8:30, and Community stayed solid. (Though I'm not sure if there was some sort of pregame show at 8PM that would've taken stuff away.) Small victories, I guess.

The best thing we can hold on to is probably that 8:30 1.5 that tied the Millers in that specific demo. The potential is there, and once the hype gets out it'll hopefully build itself.

"Chase left after all because last year's showrunners, not Harmon"