
"too dark"? No

B+, A-

I enjoyed reading this as "poop poop" rather than "pop pop" a lot more than I should have.

I think it's just capturing how over dramatic Dean is about things, especially Jeff. Obviously female French voice because "language of love".

The "My Thoughts are in French" bit was the highlight of the night for me. I think I almost died.

It wasn't as funny, but it was certainly very well written and had depth. I think I only laughed audibly at a few Donald lines.

NBC's ineptitude coupled with good streaming, DVR, and DVD numbers.


Happy. So much of it right now.

"can't afford to bury dad with the rest of the family."

*Google searches for "Roger Deakings"*

Paintyfilms watches "Prisoners" (movie) for the first time

It's not worth paying for, so don't get the DVDs. I'd stick to the "better" episodes from that season just to try it out. But really, it's scary how much different (not in a good way) the show was without being able to articulate exactly why.

Are… are we staying here or moving?

I believe Harmon has stated he's most proud of Britta because of that. If I remember correctly it's because he didn't think it was done before. She was initially the stereotypical love interest with seemingly strong attributes, but hanging out with her more often reveals her incredible amount of flaws that were often

I don't like this, I just have mutual hatred of everything.

Never played a Zelda game before. Just started WindwakerHD yesterday and it's already surprisingly engrossing as a fictional universe. Probably more so than any game I've played in a long time.

Multiplayer on Mario 3D World is proving to be a consistently hilarious experience.

I felt like she played along the whole time very well.

Everyone needs to take a few minutes to appreciate the amazing chemistry between Joel and comedian/actress/interviewer Emma Hunter.