painful pleasantries

ha, fair enough. i agree that we both have entirely too many words to say about this awesome fictitious world :)

in what way are they depicting northerners wrong? northerners are stubborn, practical, deeply loyal to the north, and inherently independent. robb stark had trouble initially controlling them as the rightful heir to an uncontested north. it is entirely consistent that a bastard who was brought back from the dead by

so you were saying just because jon *had* to win them over, he automatically *should have* won them over, his upbringing and formative years be damned? by that same logic, tyrion should have confessed to poisoning joffrey and the allegations of shay, because he “had to” at that moment (as far as we knew) in order to

what, specifically, do you think happens without being setup at this point? i agree that the show is slowing down the pace, but i think that is *precisely* because the show refuses to avoid setup. i can’t think of anything notable which has happened without context.

well, they were seemingly setting up the hound to return, and to return as a “better” person. would you have rather the hound just appear in episode 8 as a good guy with no explanation? i get that you want things to start happening again, but things happening without explanation or setup would just be sloppy...

hm, i got zero religious sermonizing from him. “there’s plenty of religious sons of bitches who think they know the words of god or gods... i don’t; i don’t even know their real names”

but he has always been treated like he “shouldn’t be here” growing up, because he was a bastard in the north. he is only confident is among the night watch and among the wildlings, because among them it is a completely different world and social structure based around a meritocracy, and there is no denying his merit.

well, the night king isn’t one to be bound by the same rules, as he is part of the same magic as bran uses. also, i think that bran was actually seeing the future at that point, not the past, as meera looks upon the exact same view that bran did.

because he can’t time travel? i’m don’t think the show has given any indication that bran can change the past. like the raven said, “the ink is dry.” the only things bran can do in the past are those things which he *had already done*. remember, hodor had been “simple” or whatever for bran’s whole life, so bran wasn’t

i wouldn’t sweat the fact that the new star wars movies don’t exist along with the old EU. all long-standing universes go through ret-cons at intervals just to make space for new things to happen. makes sense, really; what the heck “new” could Disney have done in the EU? It was so cluttered, there was virtually no

maybe your pictures lost some pixels when you pasted them over because, and i’m honestly not trying to be an ass here, the number of “legs” in your picture is utterly indecipherable.

what about poor, poor Reek? I could see that happening. it would make some sense for Ramsay to be pinched on all sides by the people he has wronged, and he most definitely has wronged the ironborn.

i’m quite certain that there is nothing “pretty clear” about those pictures, ha. frankly, all of the devestator pics seem to have the X-hat and the unnamed pics don’t have enough pixels to show anything at all, for purposes of this discussion.

the functional word you used was “can.” you therein agree that children have different meanings for words than adults do. therefore, it is only logical that adults don’t automatically hate gay people if they use words that a minority of people use to signify their hatred of gay people (that awful word is still