Look everyone, Mike Rosenberg is here!
Look everyone, Mike Rosenberg is here!
Outttttttttttt sourceeeeeeeee to the private zone!
Oh brother... All the poor VFX artists slaving away in front of their computers from now until November working 22 hour days on the fucking Sonic The Hedgehog movie. It sounds like the lowest ring of hell.
If this is your idea of a good story, please do not share any of your bad ones.
Sounds like a shit job. *rimshot* "Stop doing that!"
I was in the Navy and this is the only interesting thing I ever saw. I was in the Naval Guard force tasked with guarding the ICMBs on a Sub base. Inside the magazine storage area there are 6 100ft guard towers manned 24/7/365 by armed sailors and marines. After guard mount, I arrived at the tower I was relieving and lo…
He looks like Lindsay Graham fucked Rocky Dennis and Cher dropped the baby on its face.
What are the odds Sonic floss dances at some point?
How come the dipshit reichwingers are calling the NYT “far left”, anyway... when they’ve spent DECADES complaining about the “jew press” and “worldwide zionist media control”? Pick one, you stupid Nazi bitches! Either the ebil Jews control everything and are dragging Whitey down with the mainstream media, or else the…
and 422 other people were shot. 480 fucking people were shot in a single night, and it didn’t move the needle on gun control.
Man, Biden has REALLY aged. I mean, not that it’s unexpected, but he is really looking old. This is going to be the “Oops I shit my pants!” primary.
Feel free to reach out to Rep. Scott “Bigot Bdote” Newman here to voice your opinion on his threats.
Wait a minute. Based on even an idiot’s understanding of grammar, that text says that he supports late term abortion ... or at least that Texas has made progress in supporting it ... or something.
Yeah, that’s not the Office this video is referring to.
Say that to any Republican knuckle-dragger and they’ll nod and say, “yes...and what’s your point?”
+1 Trust the Processed.
I think the Catholic Church should leave it as a ruin to remind people of the temporal nature of earthly things.