
“Undercover” following an all new “Big Bang Theory”. Only on CBS

“These guys are going to work like we do every day and all they want to feel respect and appreciation, and when you go to work and you don’t feel either one of those, you get depressed...”

Chris Kyle used to lend people guns too

Chris Kyle used to lend people guns too

I wonder how many Trump farts she had endure over the years?

what a giant circle jerk 

“Alabama of today is a far cry from the Alabama of the 1960s” - You are literally Alabma of the 1960's and literally the governor of today. She also only got the job because the previous governor was having an affair with an aide using the lamest dirty talk ever “[w]hen I stand behind you, and I put my arms around

We are getting closer to the world of Starship Troopers were citizenship is only obtained thru military service and devotion to glorious leader.

name a skit pete davidson was in. no one can do it.

I would eat a MAGA hat if Trump could point to Slovenia on a map

ugh, have mercy

Fuck the coastal elites says the man with a skyscraper on 5th ave with his name on it

Kellen Moore but who cares lol

Sarah Huckabee Sanders rearranges to Arabs Handshake Secure. Discuss 

Isnt that place infested with bretbugs ?

This is how I know there is no god. Imagine Seth Rich in heaven begging god to stop all this nonsense to give his family peace and god going “wait, i wanna see how this plays out”

When will yall bring Ashley Feinberg back?

oh lord hes going to cure the vets with Ben Shapiro’s brain pills isnt he?

its white and gold you assholes