The bad news continues for Roy Moore
The bad news continues for Roy Moore
“Mr President youre down in polls and you just pooped your pants”
oh whatever like y’alls moms didn’t write op-eds to get you more playing time in little league and shit
Dear France I hope you have the best summer ever. I wonder who will be taller next year. Remember when Kyle had chocolate milk come out of his nose. “Your Favorite President” - DONALD TRUMP
When the Navy took my wisdom teeth out I got like 4,000 Vicodin.
He smiles like Gilly
Lighten up, Aubrey
Mr Barr if Donald Trump were not president could he be charged with a crime?
“Ma’am I dont care if your father was John McCain. Im not allowed to bring you any more cheddar biscuits unless you order an entree”
I love the “Hurr Durr dont mess with texas”. Its a bleeping anti-littering campaign. Also no state has been messed with and passed around more than texas. They even named an amusement park to solidify and mock your ownage
Mike Pompeo was totally unprepared for the war with Iran. I welcome our Iranian overlords and look forward to Trump Tower Tehran
Responding to AOC Biden said “This doesnt pass the smell test”
Its only a matter of time before the GOP attacks the Biden family with this type of sensitivity
Some MAGA christian chud is going to come across a starving man coming thru the desert literally named Jesus and offer no help and will not see the irony.
Finally the Naked Cowboy will pay for his crimes
look at the size of that melon, man. thats even compared to a frame with a suit with shoulder pads
Then why didnt you write that article?
What the fuck is this?