
So, yes. I haven’t been to SDCC, but last year at DragonCon they took multiple precautions: everyone had to be vaxxed or show proof of a negative COVID test, everyone had to wear a mask (except when eating), and there was an attendance cap so that the convention wasn’t packed to the brim. If SDCC didn’t have the same

Let me be the first to say:


As a San Diegan, I would’ve appreciated him calling us Earth-619. BOOYAKA BOOYAKA and all that. 

Holy christ, maybe next time let someone who actually enjoyed the trailer do a breakdown of it

They should’ve stuck with Grant Gustin because when it comes to public behavior it seems he’s...
Better than Ezra.

It’s not a good idea. Full stop.

I went to DragonCon last year, fully vaxxed and masked. Had a great time and didn’t catch COVID.

Oh my sweet god. I can still smell this strategy guide. I remember that faux, chemical-ish vomit smell. As a child, it almost brought me to dry-heaving.

The guide was a bonafied work of art, despite the above. You can tell they had so much fun with the design.

I so needed this.

Went to DragonCon couple weeks ago. It was fun. Did not catch COVID thanks to vaccine and mask requirements.

I personally hope Disney holds the tide against full season drops. I know this war is probably already lost, but putting up the full season at once is the absolute Worst way to experience a show.
“Hi guys! Did you want to see what happens in this exciting, surprising TV show without it being spoiled in the

Ugh! I’m getting flashbacks. I love D*Con and I’ve gone every year for a decade, but I hate how packed together everyone is. Anyway, I think even in the best case scenario we’re going to find out what it looks like with tens of thousands less people.

Honestly, I don’t know if I can really picture D*Con without shoulder-to-shoulder crowds of costumers spilling out across every lobby of 3 hotel chains after official hours for 4 nights straight, or limits on the people allowed in the food court that would then not be open till real late. Like, I’m trying to picture

Getting my second dose next week, so I’ll definitely be going to Dragon*Con in September if they proceed this year. I’m skeptical that it will be anything like previous years, but I welcome the reduced crowds.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaait wait wait wait. He did the music for Galavant and is only just now getting his first Emmy??

Now playing

Netflix has both seasons of Galavant if you need even more of an Alan Menkin fix.

“...the state’s governor, Brian Kemp...”

Good. I’ve been waiting for them to make the sensible decision for months now, especially after seeing the shit show their Facebook page has turned into. “Oh hey, I’m still going to go and super excited! With so many people staying home, this could be the best DragonCon ever! With my costume I won’t even need to wear

Atlanta didn’t make it easy for us, and there’s been a lot of tension between Dragon Con proper and its fans for months now. I’m glad they did the right thing in the end, but this is a pretty strong example for just how screwed local governments are leaving businesses by refusing to take the pandemic seriously.

If nobody gets sick, that means that the county public health people have done their job. Nobody getting sick is kind of the goal, there’s no penalty for achieving it