
She wants time off to spend with her friends:

I’m just glad Imagineering finally abandoned those terrible projected faces. Really breaks the immersion when every animatronic has a spotlight centered right on their mug because it’s cheaper than moving eyes and lips.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, bubbrubb66.

Sounds like you still need it so hopefully.

Hush now, the grownups are talking.

Most working actors earn less than $27,000 a year.

That IS a good picture.

Someone only watches Fox. 

you’re wrong, fyi

Let’s go ahead and let the strike continue at least until Leto’s no longer available...

Professor, what’s another word for pirate treasure?”

lmao sadly “Canon is a fool’s stricture” is a 100% Linda Codega original phrase, and sadly I’ve wasted it in the dek of an io9 blog.

Remember Lizzo? Did those really add much in the end?

Yes, imagining that is exactly what I said I was doing in my last sentence.

tyyy i have to fit in investigative reporting in between SEO news posts lmao but this is the stuff i love to do.

Don’t sleep on Koala Man. It’s a lot of fun and has some really great character designs and animation. I definitely recommend it if you enjoyed Michael Cusacks work on Smiling Friends. It’s a great showcase for Australian humour and voice actors. Roiland’s involvement is minimal and he’s only in one episode where he

Yeah, I’m kind of surprised that those twitter DMs aren’t getting more attention in these articles. Even if the DV case doesn’t result in a conviction, he’s absolutely done enough sketchy shit to get him fired.

It’s not just the domestic violence charge. It’s gotten a little less press, but there’s also some pretty horrifying text conversations with a handful of minors that have come out that are pretty damning.

Looking forward to Amalia True kicking the asses of monsters.

a film that’s absolutely esstential to this show, as well as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but is rarely discussed because it stars Edward Norton instead of Mark Ruffalo.”