
Is this a parody?


Bah Gawd! That’s Ozymandias’ music!

We Got this Covered is the single worst source on the internet for this kind of stuff. They actively write false stories and spread it around with sponsored posts on social media. Anything they “report” I take with a HUGE grain of salt.


I’ll add this to my Slate of Netflix programming.

Alternately, you can camp out in my front yard to see my musical version of it...

How many times must we read posts from people who are just here to ruin everyone’s fun? If you’re not excited, don’t be rude. Would you go to a party and say “Hey everyone! This party sucks and the food is terrible I’m going to sit right down here in the middle of the room!”

That’s what you’re doing right now.

Should make it easier for those of us who loved the last movie to see this one without your obnoxious, judgmental presence.

This is absolutely the right answer.
During the EndGame-ticket-computer-crash-nationwide-freakout, I was pounding away at my laptop for an hour trying to get tickets, while watching everyone (including me) lose their fucking minds on Twitter about it – I decided to go over to a nearby theatre.
The place was empty and

No, they don’t, but clearly this cop’s decision making was on the right track.

Movies don’t kill people. Assault rifles wielded by right wing extremists kill people.

Everyone in slack: eh.

There was a very brief shot of a Chess King. I remember that store as where they sold all of the trendy and slightly more urban clothing. It’s where i got my first pair of Z Cavaricci’s. Ah the nostalgia. 

We have to go back to every point where Fury ate a sandwich to find out.


Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.

Army of Duckness?

Patrick Wilson’s character starts hanging out at a bar in Boston where everyone yells out “Orm!” when he walks in.