
The only person in comics to die and stay dead is Bucky Barnes Jason Todd Uncle Ben.

Yes he is!

I guarantee you that it's YouTube fighting back. Learning how to speak, gaining sentience. The hubris of man, thinking we could control it.

Let's think of it like a fine wine, getting better with age, rather than like a fruit or a vegetable, okay? :)

I have been waiting so long for this and man does it live up.

Exactly, just re-iterating that this list is awesome. I was expecting Cloud at #1, so glad that Vivi is #1 instead

FF6 is, perhaps, my favorite game of all time.

I'm replying to your comment because a star isn't enough.

almost half of the top 20 are characters from FF6

That is what I said about IV, but then I got my wish.

If they made a sequel to 6 with the same characters I would pre order it no questions asked.

You want the delectable burger thread, three posts over.

There is always a pony, there is always friendship.

It's time to say it. Look, video gamers. I am sure you are all good, fine people, but please leave your crap out of our shows about ponies. Every time I turn around its video games this, video games that. All the forums I read are plague by video games. Give it a rest, you deviants.

Funny thing is, if you take Bioshock Infinite's ending into account...

There's still time.

Since Nickelodeon is throwing their name it, I am excited to (seemingly) see that the origin story is not dissimilar from the one they are using in the show.


Came here to post the same thing. :) This video doesn't actually have the spoiler part though.

Now playing

Reminds me of the last level in Braid (MASSIVE SPOILER WARNING):