I think that'd be harder to write if he was drunk!
I think that'd be harder to write if he was drunk!
Great. Now I want a Lego Ocean's game.
Thanks, Lego, for making me want a thing I'll never have now.
I'm just gonna go cry now.
So many of us after reading this :)
...After some very foolish wastes of time and sanity in my younger years, I have landed upon my current policy of "no reading fanfic, even if a bunch of strangers sweeeeear it's good." Because fanfic is never good.
Most games you mentioned are $50
Not for book readers. We've had nearly 2 decades to deal with our grief, now it's time for jokes. :-P
Vicious Vampire Velociraptors. Can't you read?
All four of Bravely Default's main cities are nothing short of stunning—artist Akihiko Yoshida is at his peak here. And the music! God, the music. Just try not to fall in love with the ridiculous boss theme the second it starts. It's like Dragonforce on speed. And Edea's track—my god. That sax.
Thursday, Feb. 7:
I kind of disagree. This looks equally shitty to the first three, but with dinosaurs. Dinosaurs do, scientifically, make everything better.
I mean, it's shit. But let's do the math:
Marc Walberg > Shia Lebeuff
Dinosaurs > No Dinosaurs
therefor Shit + Marc Walberg + Dinosaurs > Shit + Shia Lebeuff.
It's science.
This is why I have someone to hold my burgers while I eat them.
Would ya kindly start bustin' some caps in some foos?
@tomqvaxy: Oh, but I am into saving it. Greatly increases the flavor the Kraft Mac N Cheese, especially when it's made with butter and whole milk. Heart attack, here I come!