
Good to see Mark join in the fun again this year, considering he was Shep.

I still have that guide, in really good condition, and the cart on the shelf. I will prtect them with my life.

Her pronunciation only made me think of one thing. Paul Simon.

It was easily the only solid match of the event last year. I agree, one of the best ever.

That alone, rather. Silly typo.

The opening stage of Enslaved was breathtaking. The demo is the first level, and that along sold me on the game.

Easiest? I think not.

Now playing

I have been a huge fan of Robin's work, since I first saw him in Buffy. I remember him for a lot of great things, but this role especially always brought a smile to my face.

Christopher Lambert was Raiden in the first. In the second film, that role belonged to one of the best "that guy" actors out there James Remar.

Is that all the time it took for you to beat the game? I kid. I kid.

That is because we keep logging in as Mike. He included is FB authentication in the link. The game itself works fine, just do a quick search for it.


It was a pleasure to burn.

Very much so! Between knowing the locales and a lot of the zombies, the first season was very hard to take serious.

Hook: There he is, Rumplestiltskin. I will have my revenge!

It amuses me that their "CDC" was just around the corner from my last apartment. The artwork does a great job presenting the area immediately around it, too. It's actually a really great theatre where I have seen Avenue Q, Craig Ferguson, Weird Al, and Eddie Izzard. Those are truly the only elements stopping us from

Fair point.

Despite it being written by Joss Whedon?

Now, as for an actual reply, I don't know you, and have no clue what you mean beyond the words on the page. You stated that there was a difference in the multiplayer functionality between the Gamecube and the WiiU. But then, you compared "apples to oranges" in the follow up.

Ignoring all other points of issue, where exactly did I mention any of the following dialogue?