
"Except Gamecube could do 4 players" seems to be the point you made.

WiiU also supports 4 players. Sure, only one (eventually 2) person(s) get to use the GamePad at a time, but the multiplayer functionality is still there.

Plus, isn't Falling Skies moving into a third season? Not exactly a failure, I would think.

This is not a new experience for Nintendo. They had this concept back on the Gamecube, thanks to a link cable. You'd plug your GBA into the console, and you had a lot of the same concepts being displayed with the WiiU. Specifically Pac Man Vs. comes to mind when reading this article. The player on the GBA would be

That was an old GameStop catch phrase, actually.

Coffin -

I am just banking on them being introduced at the start of next season. There are already too many characters for someone who is only watching the show. Rotate out some of the ones that can be glossed over, and bring in the Reeds.

No game will make you lose friends greater than Satan's game itself, Monopoly.

That shot of Selina before the tumbler is her looking through the same cage as Bruce a few slides down, right before Bane comes into the shot. That even looks like a hand holding onto it.

We used to have the first expansion, with the Baron. I had forgotten about those!

I still have my VHS copy. I keep debating finding the others, as I used to have them. We played this a crazy amount of times to the point in each game we could quote it word for word. Somehow, though, it never got old. I am afraid to check it out today, but it may be time.

I just ran ahead of him, and stood in the spot where he got stuck. He walked right past it. It pissed me off so much. Hopefully a moot point now.

I am surprised few people, one it seems, have brought up Darksiders. Sure, it may not have the same characters from the Zelda-verse, but with the game design matching some of these concepts, and the game play being the same, it is hard NOT to point to that as a reference. Plus, Mark Hamill! It cannot be that

Another strong point! I love the concept of this, but since I live in an excluded area, and see so many excluded areas, this seems like a waste to some degree.

Check your area. You may not even have coverage.

That is assuming your area even has coverage.

Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

All hail The Felt Avenger!

But what about Dragon Con?! We get over 40k people to come nerd out for 4 days here in Atlanta. We've got a fairly awesome line up of guests this year, too. Where as Comic Con is more of a trade show, Dragon Con is more of a meet and greet of famous folk! Go check it out: