
I’d rather see him fight the president. He’s such a boot-licking piece of shit that he wouldn’t do anything but dance around until 45 mustered up the strength to swing on him. He’d hit the floor like the sack of shit he is.

I am fairly certain that the entire point of a drag show is to use the performers as entertainment. That’s why the word“show” is in there. Is it not? Have I misunderstood the concept of entertainment?

It’s so often the case that our first (knowing) exposure to transpeople is through porn, the danger of fetishization is real. I know that the first time I knowingly meet a transman in a real life setting, I’m going to have to be real careful not to be a dick. If all else fails, shut up, I guess.

It’s our old pals, internalized homophobia and toxic masculinity! A lot of these dudes don’t want to be one of “those fags” because they want to see themselves as “real men,” “alphas,” or whatever. They’re not unlike the “str8" guys I see so often on Grindr or Scruff.

I’ve never understood the whole “no fems” “straight acting” gay guys.

Man, I really wish Marina’s new stuff worked for me. The Family Jewels was fun and Electra Heart was incredible. Froot was probably never gonna top Electra for me, but I listened to it a few times and nothing grabbed me at all. I’ve checked a couple of her newer songs, but I think I may just have to be content with

You all need Devin Townsend’s “Empath” in your life.

Love her, but a) she hasn’t put an album out yet this year, and b) her recent singles have not gotten me excited. But then again I thought her debut was better than “Emotion” so I may not be the best judge.

It could be hijinks dealing with whomever she’s signed with that she can’t release an “album”?

She’s never stood out to me from any of the other sad bastard pop girls my wife likes. They kind of blend together to me, though I can usually pick out Lana Del Rey because her songs are fucking endless.

I just looked and it’s 14 tracks. That’s solidly an album, unless it’s an anthology.

Medusa has been done in the past.

I found Joel interesting here. He did the funny, not funny, then funny again premise. Also, as a reality viewer I have trouble thinking of times when a judge created a subplot for themselves.

That’s what he was going for. He noticed he was getting on Michelle’s nerves and doubled down, with hilarious results. On the other hand, if I never see “New York” again it’ll be too soon.

It makes me real happy that Lizzo’s jumped into the mainstream. She’s fuckin’ rad and been making great jams for a while now.

I love Joel and I laughed hard every single time he yelled. 

I liked Joel and the reactions Michelle was giving, it felt odd but also kind of hilarious that the editor kept underlining Michelle’s annoyance.

Silky’s win was very forced. I didn’t find her Oprah to be a particularly good impression at all. And dear god, my political science professor partner was half-listening in the background and cringed when she talked about registering republican to change gerrymandering. That’s not how it works, girl! Hope you learn

I wouldn’t mind hearing her reasoning, but why does it need an explanation?

Often when I hear a new song by an artist I love live for the first time, it doesn’t completely stick with me, or I come to love it later after hearing the recorded version a bunch of times. But I happened to see her do “Jack Killed Mom” on a Watson Twins tour, before Acid Tongue was recorded (I think), and it knocked