
I love how Jack Killed Mom becomes this frenzied hoedown by the end

After Nina’s spot on Vanjie impression during Untucked I’m almost hoping she does her during Snatch Game!

It was nice seeing the Covina Center of the Performing Arts on the external shots which is on Citrus Ave. near Badillo Ave.(seen in the shot). I’ve been by that place countless times but alas never been inside. A small nitpick is that the show never really differentiates between Covina and West Covina. The theatre is

Yas Kween! I had it in VHS ages ago and recently looked into getting the DVD but it’s a crappy fullscreen transfer so I passed. Can a boutique label reissue it please? Shout Factory? Criterion?

Plastique stated that she came over at 11, so unless she’s 15 now, that “4 years ago” shit just isn’t true. Sorry.

my question about Plastique. If she came over to the states at 11, is she 15 now? that “i’ve only known about pop culture for 4 years” math ain’t adding up. literally.

I have been lucky to have Nina West as our hometown queen of queens. What you all have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg! She is immensely talented and also channels that talent to do great things for the community here in Columbus. We love Nina! 🌈❤️🌈

I think Plastique was confusing conversion with exorcism and A'keria was the only good thing about the challenge. Yvie is quite the shit stirrer though... I kinda like it.

Aww man, I should have rerun the whole 3 season after i finish season 3 to give it a boost. Hope there’s a fourth season

I just wanna say good god I love Vanjie.  I want her on every show, playing every part.

I found it shocking to realize that there is a generation of adults who barely know anything about Mariah Carey because she was so far before their time.

I’d never heard of this show before the cancellation was announced. I guess Netflix figured there wasn’t a market for a sitcom about Latinx experiences in Australia and never advertised here, even on their own platform. Sounds like a real shame.

I’m not one who usually gets upset with show cancellations, but man, this one hurt.

i am so afraid of next week's main challenge.

some crawl off my couch cringe moments this week for sure

everytime someone mentions pearl i just want to break something. imagine being THAT BAD at everything and making it to the finals just because you're hot-as-a-boy.

Silky said she was uncomfortable with the ‘worshipping’ of Britney but said she wouldn’t have minded it if it were for *her* diva of choice. Just seemed really pouty and childish. I think the queens were justified to call her out on it. 

we’re moving into a brave new world of queens who don’t feel it neccessary to have a house god diva like ru does, and that is fine. the generation divide gets stronger with each season of rpdr and it’s ru not keeping up. to gatekeep the contestants on stuff you HAVE to know as a queen of ru’s generation won’t work

A Vietnamese immigrant who went to the US at age 11, was, at the time of filming, 21, and is on a show on its 11th season trying to win the title of America’s Next Drag Superstar. Maybe she grew up sheltered but clearly not sheltered enough to not know about Drag Race, and if you watch even one season of this show you

This weekend I will be playing Hollow Knight! I know, the hype train left the station without me. But I’m looking forward to it. I was hesitant at first considering how hard I heard the game was, but I had no other games on my docket and didn’t want to buy anything. After my first few rounds in Apex Legends were a