
Silky all the way, and only partly because she’s a (now) Chicago queen. She also still owes me a sandwich back when she had me pay full price for a special instead of half.

Silky is gonna make some great TV

Judging solely on their runway looks my favs were Yvie and Plastique, but i really didn’t like Plastique’s Meet the Queens clip. On the other hand, judging by those MtQ clips there seem to be some queens who have their heads screwed on right, even though i didn’t initially like their runways. So, i’m ready to be

Except this was filmed in August.

I was at a viewing party at Axis with Manila hosting, and there was an argument that Monique should have been bottom two with Valentina because of her runway.

I love how they pulled in the talking head and had Latrice rolling on the ground like she's on fire made to be a gag worthy move. Though I did enjoy Trinity's stupid as hell but funny costume. Though I'm also drunk so that may play into that. 

I don’t know if she’ll win the whole shebang or not, but I have to stand behind my hometown girl. Let’s just say she’s carrying more than just one city’s pride, because the entire country’s been holding our collective breath for one of our queens to finally make it, and leave it at that.

They did Village People

I’m happy that Trinity’s foolishness was not rewarded. It wasn’t even really that well executed. I appreciate camp, but that was not it. Longer tits swinging round like a record might have been somewhat thoughtful (and made it relevant), but instead it seemed like foolishness for the sake of foolishness. Like a middle

It was Valentina’s time to go, but that Lipsync could had easily been a double elimination. As in both Latrice & Trinity should had been eliminated for whatever that was.

I have absolutely nothing against Latrice. But girl, from what they showed us Latrice was carried by trinity and manilla. Trinity again did great, especially in the spelling bee segment, I was cackling throughout and she definetly deserved top two. I think Monét should’ve been there with her as although Monique and

Monet and MOnique got robbed in this challenge. Ove on reddit, everyone was floored that Latrive and Trinity were the winners. Latrice didn’t even do anything. She had like 2 lines.

Because she remembered that she must be a telenovela villain! At last!

“Her since” - Dougie Jones 

I look better now than I did then because I couldn’t grow a beard when I was in my late 20s.  Now I can cover up like half of my ugly mug with facial hair!

yum! that sounds a bit like pozole, which I’m craving like crazy.

Food Thread

He’s not “aggressively Christian.” He talks about his faith. That’s fine and people need to stop demonizing others over that. I’m certainly not Christian, but it makes me laugh how something like this gets people all up in arms, but if someone mocked a Muslim or Jew for basing their diet off their religious beliefs

I bet he’s gonna look super jacked in LEGO Movie 2.