
Yet, they had Four Loko. 

She really is both a phenomenal artist and person, it’s hard to imagine the pain she was dealing with. I hope she makes a full recovery and can take time with loved ones to heal. We’ll always be rooting for you Elizabeth!

i hope shes ok, im a fan, she has real talent behind the mic, and she has an amazing energy. shame that so much of her confidence have been hiding some rough stuff. my ex gave me a rundown on her story and shes been through a lot. i hope that she gets the help she deserves. viva la cupcakke

Remember that Suicide song from 2 years ago which was about how help is there for you and then Logic just went IF YOU'RE FEELING SUICIDAL CAN I GET A YAS QUEEN and then they just continued treating it as gravely as it should be. And then in the same album, a guy showed up and told people to kill themselves. What a

I’m relieved to hear that she’s hospitalized/being evaluated and didn’t die by suicide. I love her music (hilarious, unabashed, frank, sexually catholic, perfect for remixes with Wii Shop music) and am sending the best to both the recovery of her physical body and for her to have all the support she needs for her would that be possible?

Poor Selfie. That was a good show that was cancelled mid-first season.
But there are plenty of great comedies, from this decade, that made it well past the first season. Look at Brooklyn Nine-Nine and The Good Place.

EVERY outtake from that wine commercial is priceless!

I feel that both her and Daniel Levy do that. It’s probably easier for Levy considering he’s the writer, but both of the Rose children have far more depth than one imagines, in season 1.
An aside, my favorite line is from a bit player in season one; “what happened to my backwards hat?!?!”

Stick with it! It’s all in the line readings and character work! O’Hara and Annie Murphy in particular. The way they speak and react to things is pure hilarity. The way Murphy says,David,” makes myself and my fiance crack up each time she speaks to her brother.

Oh goodness. At least we have Hot Jafar.

It’s funny, because I’m kind of a fussy dude who likes pretty things, so it seems like they’re marketing to me.  But the stuff they are marketing is so crappy.  I already have my favorite shave soap, already know what Scotch I like, and if I want a flannel shirt, I’ll buy a nice Woolrich instead of whatever crap the

I want to hate-punch everything in sight every time I see or hear that word.

But there’s almost nothing the show could do to overcome the fact that my introduction to her character in the first trailer was her standing in front of a refrigerator, looking dolefully at a cake with a note: “Do not dare eat this cake before your party, Kate. Love, Kate.”

I love that show, too, but it does have the issue the author mentioned of the main character basically sailing through life with no issues from being fat. Everyone treats her exactly the same as her thin peers, including her romantic interests. Basically, except for the first episode and a few throw-away lines, her

Whoa.  He IS hot.  Hotter than Aladdin.  Jasmine might just want to think about her decision long and hard.

One of the show’s subtle delights is how Eugene Levy’s character is not an awkward nebbish but a suave and occasionally dashing former CEO, who still manages to be befuddled by his surroundings and awkwardly supportive of his adult children’s sex lives. He wears great suits, too. 

You should try walking down the street minding your own business and hearing someone yell a fat joke at you.
or having people ask your wife why she is with you...
or being shot dirty looks in public when your food order arrives 

I hate bathroom humor, but what I love about the show is it manages to work in the “expected” poop jokes in such delicate and subtle ways that I don’t find them off-putting or offensive. Case in point, a hotel/spa serving an alleged honeymoon couple a dish that is simply not conducive to later romantic encounters. 

Schitt’s aired in Canada last night, and it was great. Also they really nailed the Christmas soapy-cinematography you see in Hallmark Christmas movies.