
Bold choice not picking Body Talk-era Robyn.

Didn’t realize Icona Pop was Swedish either. “I Love It” will always remain an indelible part of my memory. The song of summer for my first Pride after college. 

For me, any antipathy I had toward last season was entirely due to its new theme tune. Hated it. Still loved the show though.


the first three seasons are available on Netflix

Seasons 1-3 are on Netflix.

Yeah, even though season 3 was only 13 episodes it felt longer and harder to remember what was going on. I wonder if some of that is compressing the story from what would have been a longer episode order. I can’t really remember much beyond Trent going out in a blaze of glory/doing the season 2 theme.

I’m heartbroken that Greg is coming back with a different actor. I kinda wonder if those rumors of him being difficult were true. Gah, that’s sad.

My boyfriend’s son is nine, which is 100% a kid, and I would rather find out he had watched this than some of the asinine, toxic, shit he watches on Youtube.

Wasn’t she hired to write the book? You could argue she was unprofessional in getting so close to her subject, but your comment makes it sound as if she wrote a tell all. Diane is somewhat unhappy and that manifests itself in some occasional ugliness but I don’t think it’s fair to imply she is as selfish as BoJack.

If they get through the Princess Carolyn-centric episode in season 1 and don’t feel the show’s pull, they’re lost souls

This is the first season I haven’t outright loved. I think it’s partly because Philbert wasn’t better defined. What kind of show is it aping? Is it supposed to be bad, good, only good when Diane’s writing? I didn’t find it that compelling, and the arc lasted the whole season. Flip is a great character though.

I really love the switch of Greg’s actor in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I love Santino Fontana (his songs were some of the best in S1 and S2 (though I’m also a bit biased towards Greg as a character)), but this seems like a good work around for his busy schedule. AND the show gets to play around in a nice meta place that

Real missed opportunity by not making it look like Toad.

I have had perhaps 5 cigarettes in my entire life. I’ve never smoked regularly nor been around those who did, but holy hell did watching this episode make me feel like I needed one. That was amazing.

I will read the review, I promise, and the comments. But first I want to get this off of my chest. It’s been bugging me since I binged the show a few days ago.

This episode was wonderful. Touching, awkward, funny, eloquent, silly, sad, evocative, etc. I was riveted.

Until the gag at the end. It felt so stupid and

This ep was absolutely a reference to the Archer episode where they are in the elevator the entire time.

For whatever reason, one of the several times this episode really broke my heart was when BoJack DOESN’T say Sarah Lynn is dead. He mentions Herb, and points out that he’s “also dead now,” and then he says Sarah Lynn’s name, and there’s a really really brief pause, and it just killed me.

Small bizarre world, my mom died a year ago today. Bingeing season 4 in the hospital with her as she deteriorated was the only thing that made me feel even remotely normal. Just before she took her last turn for the worst, I confronted her about disowning me and kicking me out of her house years ago. We never really

I know every season is like looking into the peril of the human condition and it’s a strange binge fest of tear jerkers and staring into the mirror each year- but this episode was heart wrenching and extremely well done. This one was up there for me with the underwater episode. I would also highly warn everyone

I think this episode would have hit me so much better if the ICU bit hadn’t been so obvious. Because he kept going on about it. It was too obvious, so I guess the emotional payoff wasn’t there for me.