
My dad died last fall and this episode really nailed the experience of telling what you think are hilarious jokes and facing silent, horrified faces. The worst part of my father’s death was that nobody would laugh at my jokes anymore.

Glad you’re taking care of yourself with a break from the show. I just wanted to comment to wish you all the best.

My mother - who just a less hostile Beatrice with a much worse childhood - died last year, just before the 4th season came out. We’d been fighting like cats-and-dogs for years, and she’d always been emotionally and verbally abusive when angry (which was nearly always). I watched Time’s Arrow and What Time Is It Right

I would add to stray observations that wonderful line “Back in the 90's I was in the very famous TV show called Horsin Around”

This episode had me sobbing during a meeting at work.

AV Club started doing this with Netflix tv shows, just crapping out reviews and recaps. The end result is that it’s impossible to have a discussion that has any sort of flow under the articles.

I get why it happens, since one can binge the season on day one and end up with no non-fan space to talk about it or read

One of the greatest scenes in sitcomes...EVER...and a fucking pioneer

(I said this before when Lawrence had that threesome ...)

Didn't think I'd want to see a horsey version of Perfect Blue until now.

If deep loneliness is “pathetic” and something only to be “confessed”, well... I guess that just makes things a bit lonelier still.

A Pearl is NUTS. Not quite as pop-y as Nobody, but very much in the vein of Puberty 2's heavier guitar.

I’m surprisingly excited to see this. Rom-coms get routinely handled so badly that it’s refreshing to see one that isn’t just another rehash of ‘look at all these white people doing dumb shit that would normally land them in prison!’


Now playing

Jakes Shears’ solo album is out today. It’s a bit jangly for my tastes, but his voice is amazing as always.

I read a book about a country where half the population was so under-educated that they actively feared and scorned anyone who spoke in complete sentences. These people were so convinced that anyone who had gone to college was not to be trusted, they actually elected a real estate huckster/reality TV star to the

Florence Welch gets an ancient staff made from the bark of a very old, very sacred tree. Nothing can convince me she’s not secretly a Wood Elf Druid.

Stevie Nicks, meanwhile, is a very powerful witch, but we all knew that from watching American Horror Story: Coven.

Bjork, who will turn them into her new outfit and/or instruments.

She already has a Final Fantasy character.

Deal, now who do we give this flail and poleaxe too?

Oh, wow, good to see you around again!