
It never fails to delight me when Okami gets ported to yet another system.

Also, Okami for the Switch is coming out on August 9. I never had a PS2 and only played a bit of the original on a friend’s back in college. I’m looking forward to getting it for the Switch and playing the game while watching Netflix. Sounds like a perfect combo.

The great thing about x that the sequels immediately lost was the flexibility. You can obtain all of the armour upgrades without beating a single boss. Which means it has more freedom in terms of boss order. Boomerang Beetle may be insane when you try to beat him normally, but when you can charge up a 5th level buster

Mega Man X probably has the claim to the title of “Best Mega Man.” Its only flaw is not giving you the dash at the start, and even that is minor at best. Excellent level design, excellent weapon balance, excellent music with no clunkers, and the fortress doesn’t overstay its welcome.

I’ve napped on Kelala, but two of her music videos have won me over in the last couple of months.

I haven’t been sleeping on Kelela! Who would sleep on Kelela? Not me, that’s for sure!

The fans who attended This is Not This Heat in order to secure a spot for Kelela knew how to fucking party. I front rowed both and both were awesome

Loved that so much. I really felt like I was breaking shit up when I slung that hook. Weren’t there some monsters where you had to pull armored plates off of their bodies with the grapple? Why do people make games that aren’t Metroid Prime?

I can’t tell whether you’re hitting on my or not.

I still have to appreciate them (as well as DBZ, et al) for really kind of pioneering the whole “anime in the west” market.”

Pioneering is probably a term better saved for Kimba, Astro Boy, Speed Racer (and the more obscure dubs of that era) or even the more niche success of stuff like Star Blazers, Battle of the

I seem to remember them doing one in Japan that got decent ratings.

My Toad will always be a street musician from an oppressed socioeconomic class sticking it to The Man with his lame protest songs.

Now playing

But then we wouldn’t have such great moments like Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune being close cousins.

Really, really really close cousins.

In spite of SFV’s lack of features (Arcade Mode) when it first came out, the play mechanics was solid and felt so much closer to the original arcade games than anything that came out for the franchise over the last 12-15 years.

F.A.N.G. entire design just seems so out of place...and I say this knowing the last game had a Turkish oil wrestler and super fat guy.

Yea I dont mind them. The game has R. Mika and Ibuki so im happy. 

They REALLY dont want to put him in Street Fighter V. Him, T.Hawk and Dee Jay are the only originals not in that game (please correct me if im wrong im going off a 30 year old memory)

Oh, come now, Raul Julia was a fine actor who died too young, and whose work is beloved by a lot of us up here. (For me, that love started with a little picture called “Florida Straits”.) Those Addams Family movies are quite good, and Raul Julia is magnificent in them, and I’m not joking!

Damn. I saw her on tour with Depeche Mode and Haunted was on permanent rotation in my house during the early aughts. She was fantastic live and really should have made it big. 

I’ve been wondering for years what happened to Poe. The internet is sadly sparse of explanation. I still adore her stuff.