
I was actually a Poe fan way before I finally read House of Leaves and so I loved Haunted as a teenager before I even knew it was based on a book. I still think it’s funny that “5 1/2 Minute Hallway” was a totally relatable relationship metaphor for me before I knew there was an actual goddamn 5 1/2 minute hallway in

I don’t really think the story would work without Johnny Truant. If you cut him out you’re likely cutting out all of the Zampano stuff as well leaving you with just the Navidson Record.

I honestly don’t know what happened to her. Haunted is one of my favorite things ever and I found it through the “Listen to the House” message on the back of the book and thought her doing a soundtrack for her brother’s book was just the coolest possible thing ever. Songs like “If You Were Here” and “Sweet Spanish

Ugh, I was hoping Johnny Truant would be removed entirely. I rather enjoyed the book overall but the Johnny sections were obnoxious imo. 

Poe has already done the soundtrack, get Noah Hawley for the TV adaptation and it could probably make a tiny amount of sense.

I guess the Minotaur got it.

I hate to say this because Maritza is one of my favorite characters on the show too (and she and Flaca together are amazing) but if they lost her, they would deserve it for not making Diane Gurrero a regular  when she had other suitors for her services (i.e. Superior Donuts on CBS)

Something about Octopath Traveler reminds me of the SaGa games. Here’s hoping it doesn’t suck as bad as the SaGa games do.

I know it’s the show’s dynamic, but it got old to see two crappy things happen to him for every good thing.

GLOW gets a LOT of things right as far as blue collar 80s style. The clothing is SPOT on.

my bet is that since Diane is breaking up with Mr. Peanutbutter, she and Bojack might give it a chance and try to function as a couple... with horrible and unexpected consecuences of course

He has a badge on his belt, and the lighting looks totally like stage lights so that would be my guess too (or maybe a post-show party gone bad).

So Life is Strange 2 and the new season of BoJack premiere in the same month. I’ll have to stock up on Kleenex.

He was playing a cop show....and he’s in a detective uniform, I don’t think he’s actually shot in that scene....but that maybe the way to end it all? 5 seasons and BoJack finally ends with his own demise?<br></br>But I doubt that. :)

The image is from the TV show he signed onto at the end of the last season. He’s a cop. You can see his badge.

Isn’t that Stilton in the background? And a girl who looks suspiciously like a knockoff of Diane?

Can’t wait for all the poignancy, feels, and relatable depression that will once again be a massively cathartic event.

Asia won this hands down. The Vixen has been hard to like sometimes but Ru was so cringey with her, good on Asia for standing up to him. Continuing Tammy Brown's reunion legacy. 

The Vixen did calm down enough to show up at DragCon and I didn’t hear about her trying to kill anyone — something that can’t be said of Tyra Sanchez — so that’s to be counted as a win, in my subjective estimation. The Vixen is getting a lot of support and a lot of hate in equal parts on Twitter tonight; I hope things

Vanjie was actually quite lucky to have avoided much of the drama this season and this reunion. She and Kalorie came off well for being silent through so much of it.