
Nita is next level ride-or-die. “You’re talking to invisible people and to help them I need to commit federal cyber crimes? I AM IN.”

I have a friend who identifies similarly- she is occasionally sexually attracted to men but exclusively has romantic feelings for women and says that 85% of the time she’s having sexual thoughts, they’re about women, not men. But as far as I’m concerned, if someone self-identifies as gay, that’s all the information

I like and appreciate its existence for the same reason but on the flip side, its ubiquity irritates me. I’m glad that anything queer is becoming normalized but very few seem to understand the caveat of it no longer being a “just us” thing. As is customary, stuff from marginalized groups that gets the most exposure

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She sang a whole song about them on her show.

I love Trick! It was my first gay movie. Tori Spelling was a comic genius in that film.

I don’t know what’s going on in that top photo but if it would anger my dead racist grandma then I’ll allow it. Carry on.

I think they meant live in the sense in that it had a live audience.

I agree but I also don’t. Monique came in as an underdog which made her compelling and made literally everyone fall in love with her. The exposure on the show is going to up her booking fee tremendously. I am waiting with bated breath to see what she does with that extra coin, and she is all but assured to appear on a

As a woman who digs women, I thought they were hot too! I’ve heard them criticized as appeals to the male gaze, but dang it, what about my female gaze?

I just looked up Christian Campbell. He looks like half Neve Campbell and half Ryan Reynolds. He’s like the hot Canadian Rosetta Stone.

100% agree. Several queens talked about going into debt to pay for their outfits on this season, and all I could think about were the queens who didn’t have that luxury.

Amen, sis. Dragula may be even better than Drag Race, as far as artistry goes.

I disagree. What makes a compelling drag race contestant is one who can work with what they have, even if it’s not much compared to other contestants. Even if a queen is already well-connected and able to afford high-end drag it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to do well in the competition. Jasmine had a

What live finale? I heard the finale has already been filmed with 5 different possible endings.

The first episode of S2 of Dragula was much much more terrifying than the rest. I was actually disappointing because I was excited to be scared every week and the termination challenges that followed did not match up.

“of whom at least a few probably don’t think Aquaria is the frontrunner.”

How about Desperate Living (1977)? It’s obviously campy melodrama, but you have the main lesbian couple not only live a live of (questionable, troubled, absurd) domestic bliss, but also ultimately reject the need for sex conversion surgery for a butch to satisfy her femme partner. Plus, they successfully lead a

I was going to suggest Yuri on ice and Steven Universe, but seeing as neither show has ended I guess those relationships are still in peril.

Just watched God’s Own Country fairly recently, and it’s nice to look at, almost relaxing, with a rare, happy ending that made me smile. But Gheorghe is from Romania, not Bulgaria—he specifically mentions it in the film.

Except they don’t. That’s the point. They are often completely full of shit and make invalid criticisms. It’s critique with no substance and when it fails they fall back on “J/K”. It’s film critique for people that try to pretend they are witty and insightful, but are just clueless jackasses with no insight or