
post-Nostalgia Chick Lindsay has really upped her game.

.Oh, look, you obviously didn’t watch the video.

I’m so glad Emma Stone’s getting more work.

I believe this one was actually helmed by the same team that made Black Flag, which seems to be a point in its favor from everything I’ve read.

I feel similar, but I do feel like they’re building to something in both the present and future and I’m curious to see what.

I’m enjoying this season, but everything happening in the future timeline is really messing with my head. I guess that’s the point. At this point I’m just really scared of Mo Collins and impressed by Ólafur Ólafsson.

Bammers can do no wrong !!!

I decided to do an original series rewatch just before the premiere of The Return, and found myself in the same dilemma regarding the mid-season 2 slog. Adding to this was that had I started out too leisurely and was running out of time on the day of the premiere.

I wouldn’t say it’s cynical—it really seems to believe in its characters and sympathize with them—but it certainly can be depressing. It comes pretty headlong at issues around mental illness. Largely in cheerful color palettes though! Good, bright score too.

And of course the boys hate the girly aspects of the game, until their natural competitiveness takes over and they’re trying to get monopolies on the glitter dust or fairy gumdrops or whatever they were called, it didn’t matter anymore.

I actually found it really moving when we saw them all playing the game and the guys were into it and it made Paula so happy. The show’s done a great job on taking us back and forth on who the “bad guy” is in Paula’s family, and that scene underscored that family can just be really tough, and they’ve all had a hand in

I think the other reason the left-behind friends plot was so important was because part of the reason Rebecca turned to suicide is because she imagined all of her friends hated her for what she said to them. She felt there was no way out, no way to reconcile with the people she cared most about. Meanwhile, they’ve

Yeah, that scene was desperately needed. That and the pool scene. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that the show is a comedy and comedies are supposed to make you laugh at some point. The darker the show gets, the more it needs the comic relief to balance the other stuff out.

I give my GGG award to the HOT bartender that sings with Bayne Gibby. I don’t know what happened in the rest of the episode: I could only see him over and over again dancing with Carmen Gibby Miranda.

I love the trope of ordinary people being dropped into heightened reality universes and commenting how not normal it is.

Excited for Lady Dynamite to be back! Did not even expect it to have hardcore nudity this season, but that is a plus, I guess.

I’ve never played any other game in the series than Seiken Densetsu 3, but perhaps I should since that game is a masterpiece. Thank heavens for that emulated fan translation. Without it, non-japanese people like me would never have had the opportunity to play it.

Just because we critique something doesn’t mean we’re offended, or picking a fight, or don’t like it, or don’t keep on watching it. Critique is part of entertainment. We are saying what we want more of, what we’d like to see that’s different from the status quo. ie, more badass women interacting with each other!